"Miss, is it fun in the mountains?" Jiang Quan smiled at her young lady and asked.

Ningmengyao's footsteps were heavy, and he looked at his housekeeper bitterly: "Uncle Jiang will never go again."

"Well, I wish Miss knew." Mother Qin is satisfied.

This time, if it wasn't for my uncle's care, how could miss point out? It's so inconsequential. How can I do what I want with my temper?

"Next time I don't want the lady to say what you should do." Mother Qin looked at Qiao Tianchang with a serious expression.

Although my uncle is kind to their young lady, they are happy to see their success, but if they promise everything, it will not work.

What if the young lady gets hurt?

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at mother Qin at the same time. Qiao Tianchang is smiling, but Ning Mengyao is stiff, uncle? When did he become an uncle?

"Who are you from, grandma Qin? And why does he become your uncle? " Ningmengyao looks at mother Qin angrily. No matter how strange it sounds, is it OK?

The mother-in-law of Qin squinted at Ning Mengyao and said, "Miss, you are so headstrong. What are you not satisfied with that your uncle dotes on you?"

“……” Ningmengyao looks at mother Qin speechless, and then stares at Qiao Tianchang. It's all because of this guy. Otherwise, how could she be despised by mother Qin.

Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao and whispers in her ear, "when did you make me a famous and practical uncle?"

Hand out the head on the edge to push away, Ning Mengyao threw down a sentence to see your performance and left.

After returning to the room, Ning Mengyao covered her face, red on her face and a little shy in her eyes.

At the beginning, Lingluo was teased when she was with her. She didn't feel this way, but now she is shy because of Qiao Tianchang's words. It's really It's hard for her to face.

When Ning Mengyao thought not to go out, there was a noise outside.

Frowning slightly, I got up from the bed to tidy up my clothes and went out. When I went out, I saw Yang Yi standing on the body with bloodstain. I was worried in my eyes: "what happened to brother Yang?"

Yang Yi's voice seemed to be blocked together, choking, "something happened to Lele."

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know. Today was the time when Lele came back. My parents did a lot of food to wait for her, but she was sent back by a man. That man also had scars, and LeLe had more. That man said that when he met, Lele seemed to have met a robber." Yang Yi holds her hands together.

If he didn't dare to think of that man, would his sister be gone?

"Let's go and have a look." Ningmengyao went out a few steps, and then came back: "Qingshuang with the medicine chest."

"It's miss." Qingshuang hurried back to her room and followed her with the medicine box.

Joe thought about it and followed it.

When the three arrived, Yang was looking at Yang Lele worried.

When he saw the man sitting in the hall, Joe Tianchang frowned: "Ryan, why are you here?"

"Boss, I have something important to come to you this time. I met this girl in distress on the way, so I rescued her and sent her back. I didn't expect you to live here." Ryan said solemnly.

Qiao Tianchang squints at lei'an and looks at Ning Mengyao: "Yao'er, I'll go out with lei'an and say something. You look at people. When she wakes up, we'll ask her something."

"Well, you go."

After Qiao Tianchang took Lei an out of the house, Ning Mengyao's face turned gloomy and ugly: "aunt Yang is my fault. I'm sorry."

"How can I blame you? It's all right. " It has been two or three months since Lele went out, and it is OK to come back every month. Moreover, Lele said that there are still people to protect her. The lifesaver named Lei An said that if it wasn't for that person to protect Yang Lele, I'm afraid that when he went there, there would be no one.

Think of this Yang can not help but fear, how can blame Ning Mengyao?

"How about green cream?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qingshuang and asks anxiously.

"Don't worry, miss. It's all skin injuries, but there are two serious ones." Qingshuang helps Yang Lele deal with the wound and opens her mouth, which is nothing in her eyes.