The guarantee of Qingshuang reassures Ning Mengyao a little: "it's OK, won't it leave scars?"

In their eyes, it's not allowed to leave scars even if they are injured. If a woman has scars on her body, she will be laughed at by her mother-in-law in the future.

Qingshuang smiled and shook his head: "no, I will put on some plaster to remove scars."

"Then I'll rest assured." Ning Mengyao breathed a sigh of relief, and the Yang family beside him was relieved because of their words.

In her heart, it's good that her daughter still has a life. Now the scar will not stay, which makes her more assured.

When Qingshuang treated Yang Lele's wound, Yang Lele's body was tense because of the pain, but he didn't wake up.

"The lady has dealt with it. It will be almost as good in half a month." Half an hour later, Qingshuang wiped the sweat on his face and smiled at Mengyao.

"Go back and prescribe some medicine for Lele." There is a small pharmacy at home, which has all the commonly used medicines. It also saves the trouble of going to the town to buy them.


After Qingshuang left, Ning Mengyao saw Yang's worried look and sat down with his hands on him: "aunt Yang, don't worry, Lele will be OK."

Yang pulled a smile that didn't look like a smile: "I know, what are you worried about?" She can see now that the little girl named Qingshuang is a good doctor. With them, what else can she worry about?

She loved her daughter so much that she wiped her eyes with tears: "I really want to thank that young man this time."


Qiao Tianchang takes lei'an to the foot of the mountain where there is no one. He looks at each other sternly: "what's the matter?"

"There's something on the other side of the capital. Let me see you." Ryan said complicatedly.

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Ryan with cold eyes: "tell me what happened."

"It's the people of Qiao family. Some time ago, the people in the second room made mistakes and were demoted. General Qiao wanted to call the boss back and use his credit to keep those people." Ryan said indignantly.

Where on earth did those people have such a big face dare to do such a thing.

Still want to use the boss? What they think they are.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a little trance, then he smiled bitterly. It's time for them to forget themselves. It's hard for them to remember themselves.

"What else can I do?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ryan: "what happened to the robbers?"

Speaking of this matter, Ryan's expression changed and became very ugly: "boss, I found this on one of those robbers."

Looking at the token in lei'an's hand, Joe Tianchang's cold temper could not help but widen his eyes.

This This is...

"Sure it was found on them?" Joe Tianchang looks at Ryan seriously.

Ryan nodded: "sure, I can cheat others. Can I cheat you with this?"

"They really want to die." Joe Tianchang sneers. These things will not have a great impact on him, but it's not good for Qiao's family to poke it up, but what does it have to do with him?

"When you get back, tell it to the top, and let the top send someone down to investigate." They dare to collude with the robbers. It seems that they can't wait to die.

"Boss, you..."

"Gentlemen break the law, and common people with the crime, and what do they have to do with me?" Joe Tianchang sneered at Ryan more and said mockingly.

Lei An thinks it's the same thing. People in the capital have long known that the eldest brother and the Qiao family have broken off their relationship. Even if something big happens to the Qiao family, they won't have too much to do with the eldest brother. At most, they will be impeached. But according to the trust in the eldest brother, impeachment will have no impact on the eldest brother at all. Besides, the eldest brother is now I'm not an official.

"I see. I'll do it well." Ryan nodded solemnly.

If they are going to rob those who have violated the law, there is still room for the matter to come back, but these people are so ungrateful that they even put their goal on the ordinary people.