Yang Lele was still very guilty, but when he saw his father and Ning Mengyao comforting themselves, he immediately laughed: "I know Yao Yao."

"Then you have a good rest. I'll go back first and come to see you tomorrow." It's late now. It's going to be dark if we stay.

"Yao'er, do you want to go back after eating here?" Yang called Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao shook her head: "no, I have to let someone see what happened." She hasn't met any bandits for several months. This time, she came here so suddenly that she felt something strange.


"Auntie, are you worried that I can't eat at your house? It's so close, you can come whenever you want, right? " Ning Mengyao opens her mouth with a smile.

Yang thought for a moment that it seemed that it was true, so he nodded and didn't leave them.

On the way back, Ning Mengyao's face was always ugly: "don't worry, I have let Lei An tell the above people about this."

"Yes?" Ningmengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang, frowns slightly, and tells the people above? What's the meaning of this?

Looking at Ning Mengyao's frown, Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and smoothed it: "this time, the bandit is not as simple as he saw on the surface. It has something to do with the people above. Otherwise, the place where Yang Lele's accident happened has always been relatively rich. Where did the bandit come from?"

Ning Mengyao was shocked. She didn't think about it at all. Now Qiao Tianchang seems to be talking about it.

She didn't know how many times she had passed that place before. She never heard that there were gangsters or anything there. But this time, some gangsters appeared, and she found Yang Lele

"I know you have a way to help me investigate it." Said Ning Mengyao in a cold voice.

Someone who dares to hurt her friend is dying.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

As they walked towards the entrance of the village, they suddenly heard a voice that was not very harmonious: "it's so fateful that they can't die."

The familiar voice Two people look at each other, unexpectedly is Yang Xiuer's voice.

Quietly walked to the door and stood quietly, then Ning Mengyao and they heard Roche's voice: "Xiuer, what are you talking about? If it's heard, we don't want to stay here anymore?"

"Am I wrong? Yang Lele's life is really big. He can still live well when he meets bandits and is saved by others. " Yang Xiuer said indignantly.

She also saw the person who saved Yang Lele. She was very good, and she didn't look like a normal person. Why did Yang Lele even have such an excellent person to save her.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a thin anger, just to push the door in, Qiao Tianchang was dragged away.

"What are you doing?" After leaving the village, Qiao Tianchang let go of ningmengyao, but attracted ningmengyao's glare.

"Lei'an didn't say that Yang Lele met the bandit, but that her horse was frightened and hit the tree, and the injury was scratched by the branch," he said

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, but what's wrong is that Yang Xiuer said just now that Yang Lele is still alive when he meets bandits.

How does Yang Xiuer know that Yang Lele met the bandits?

"You mean that Yang Xiuer has something to do with it?" Ning Mengyao frowned: "but she is just a peasant girl."

"It's too early to say this, but Yang Xiu'er knows it's possible. As for what role she plays in it, she won't know until after investigation." When Qiao Tianchang heard what Yang Xiuer said, he knew that it might have something to do with her.

Now think about it as if it's really the same thing.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a haze: "if we find out that this matter really has something to do with Yang Xiuer, I won't let her go again."

It's only a long time since Yang Xiu'er came out and jumped again. She also has a relationship with the robbers in the car. Yang Xiu'er's skill is as good as ever.

He reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head: "let's go back. We'll talk about it after the investigation is clear." He also felt that the woman should be taught some lessons.