Ningmengyao took a deep breath and left behind Qiao Tianchang. At night, ningmengyao sat in her study. After thinking for a long time, she thought that she would let people investigate this matter.

So he called Qingxuan: "Qingxuan asked people to investigate what's unusual about Yang Xiu'er in recent period, and what's wrong with Lele's being attacked."

"It's miss."

After Qingxuan left, Ning Mengyao went to the window and looked at the village ahead. Her face was not so good.

Yang Xiuer had been let off because she was just a girl with some small thoughts, but now it seems that her small thoughts are not ordinary.

In the next few days, Ning Mengyao took Qingshuang to Yang Lele's house every day to see her wound or talk with her.

Soon, there will be a result of this matter. Qingxuan who went to investigate came back.

"Miss Yang Xiu'er's family expenses have suddenly increased a lot recently, and Yang Xiu'er didn't have the luxury money until she went to the town once."

Ningmengyao hit the table with one hand, and there was no extra expression on her face. After a long time, she said, "you mean, who did Yang Xiuer meet in the town?"

"Yes, that man is the mother-in-law beside the princess Green Xuan said word by word.

Ning Mengyao paused for a moment and was a little strange: "even if that person is looking for Yang Xiu'er, he should come to deal with me, right? Why deal with Lele? "

She also knows that the woman named Xiao Zixuan is hostile to her, but does she have the wrong choice when she is looking for trouble?

Green Xuan looked at Ning Mengyao and finally said, "there is an uncle around the young lady, plus the head she sent before, so she dare not move the young lady for the time being, so she moved her mind to miss yang."

Ningmengyao squints and thinks about it. What's the good for them to kill Yang Lele? No, what about yourself?

It doesn't seem to be good, but for the Yang family, it's just a loss of family. If the Yang family is going to the County Yamen to make trouble, she will inevitably get into trouble. As long as she enters the county yamen, it's much easier for Xiao Zixuan to do what she wants.

With a cold smile, it seems that Xiao Zixuan's ultimate goal is herself. In order to deal with herself, she even involves ordinary people.

Ningmengyao points her hand on her cheek, which is a little cute, but Qingxuan knows that she is really angry this time.

"Qingxuan finds something for the princess." Since the princess is so leisurely and can still find her own troubles, let her find something to do.

"What do you mean, miss?"

"The Royal concubine is pregnant. The lady in charge should arrange other women for her son, right?" Ning Mengyao said with a sneer.

Qingxuan looks at her young lady and suddenly finds that she can't keep up with her.

"Well, do it."


"Do you want me to teach you this? To find a way to let madam Houfu arrange more women for Ling Shizi, it would be better if he didn't have time to go to shizifei's place. " As long as it's like this, Xiao Zixuan won't have time to find her own troubles, will she?

After all, the ancient man to change his mind is in his wife pregnant this time, let alone when the mother-in-law arrangement of women she dare to refuse it? Not only dare not, but also have to smile to agree, or will be accused of jealousy.

Qingxuan's forehead slides down a row of black lines. It's really hard for villains and women to raise.

"I know what to do."

After Qingxuan left, Ning Mengyao went to Qiao Tianchang: "what's the relationship between the Lord Xiao's mansion and the robbers?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao unexpectedly and wonders, "how can I ask that?"

"It has something to do with Xiao Zixuan." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang seriously.

If Xiao Zixuan has nothing to do with it, how can she explain that she can let the robbers come to Yang Lele for trouble?

"What did you find?" Their direction is the same in Qiao's house, but they don't care much about it.

Ning Mengyao said the news he got, then looked at Qiao Tianchang and sneered: "so the ultimate goal of those robbers is me."