Yang Xiu'er was a little determined. She was flustered. Why did she become so?

"No, it won't. aren't you afraid of retribution?" Yang Xiuer can't believe looking at Mammy. Her previous determination in front of Ning Mengyao has become a big joke.

She believed that if they were really unwilling to help themselves, it would be a complete end.

Mammy couldn't help laughing. Yang Xiu'er looked like an idiot: "retribution? Do you not fear retribution for the sake of revenge and money against your fellow villagers, who are still your former friends? "

Mammy's words are like the charm of a dream. She has been pestering Yang Xiuer all the time. Yes, if it wasn't for her own sake, how could she get into such a predicament now?

"If I were you, I would have known myself when it didn't happen." Mammy looked at Yang Xiuer and said coldly.

As expected, it's from a small place. It can't stand the storm.

What if she knew that? What evidence does she have that they did it?

If there's any evidence, she's already done it. Will she wait until now?

Yang Xiuer looks at Mammy, opens her mouth, wants to refute, but she can't say the words.

"Get out of here and don't come back." When mammy saw Yang Xiuer not talking, she just looked at her eyes full of cold.

Yang Xiuer stared at mammy with big eyes and couldn't believe it. Is she going to abandon herself?

Yang Xiu'er didn't know how to get home. Her mind was full of the mother's words.

Indeed, as Ning Mengyao said, they didn't pay attention to her at all. In their eyes, she was just a dispensable person. What's funny is that she even thought that she was so important. Now, she also asked for it.

Yang Xiuer is lying on the bed, her eyes are vacant. What should I do now?

The mammy said that if she dared to talk nonsense, it would make her life worse than death.

No, she is still young, has not become a human being, has not lived a good life, how can she die like this?

She will not let such things happen, nor let them throw themselves aside like garbage. If they want to get rid of themselves, they have to see if they have the ability.

Turning over from the bed, Yang Xiuer went to the cabinet and looked out. There was no one. So she took out a box and opened it. There was a jade pendant in the box. The jade pendant looked very valuable, and there was a Xiao character on it.

Yang Xiu'er looked at the jade plate in her hand and smiled coldly. She accidentally took it from the Mammy. She didn't even know it.

"If you want to leave me, you have to see if you can." Yang Xiuer said with a sneer.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qingxuan and said, "you mean Xiao Zixuan's people want to abandon Yang Xiuer? And Yang Xiuer is holding the jade plate that symbolizes the residence of King Xiao? "

"That's right. I'm afraid that mammy didn't know it was in Yang Xiuer's hand." Said Qingxuan sarcastically.

Now it seems that Yang Xiuer is really stupid and hopeless.

"It seems that it's really interesting." Ning Mengyao chuckled.

I didn't expect Yang Xiuer to have such an idea. It's really a surprise to her. She can't wait to see Xiao Zixuan's angry look.

I just don't know if Yang Xiuer can live to that day.

"Look at people, don't let them die." Ning Mengyao said cruelly.

Yang Xiu'er is still useful now. Without her and the jade pendant in her hand, how can she see the good play coming on the stage.

"It's miss."

After Yang Xiuer left, Mammy went back to the marquis.

Xiao Zixuan was busy dealing with those concubines during this period of time. When she saw people coming in, she was puzzled: "what happened?"

"There's something wrong with Princess Shizi. The peasant girl named Yang Xiuer said that Ning Mengyao already knew about the robbers." Mammy looked at Xiao Zixuan seriously and said.

Xiao Zixuan's eyes were cold. She was busy with the affairs of those bitches these days, but she forgot all about it.

"Is there any handle left?"


"What does that have to do with us?"