Mammy burst out laughing. Yes, what does it have to do with them?

"Then we..." Mammy was still worried. She looked at Xiao Zixuan and asked uncertainly.

Xiao Zixuan smiled coldly: "since it has nothing to do with us, what if we investigate it? What can a lonely girl without background do to us? "

Even if the man around her has some extraordinary skills, so what? She is the princess of Prince Xiao's mansion, the princess of the Marquis's mansion and a hunter. She doesn't pay attention to her.

Mammy got Xiao Zixuan's affirmation and immediately relieved: "that old slave is relieved."

Xiao Zixuan glanced at Mammy and nodded lightly: "if that village woman comes to find again, do you know how to do it?"

Mammy's body was stiff. Looking at the cold in Xiao Zixuan's eyes, she nodded: "yes, I know how to do it."

Xiao Zixuan nodded and waved people down.

Lingluo stood at the door and looked at the woman. Her eyes gradually became cold. If he remembered correctly, the woman was kicked out a month ago for stealing.

But people are here now? He looks like nobody else.

As soon as Xiao Zixuan was ready to go out, she saw Lingluo under the corridor. Looking at the direction of the door, she looked unpredictable and confused. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Xiao Zixuan's heart thumped. Did he see that man just now? So thinking, Xiao Zixuan passed by uneasily, and looked at Ling Luo with some uneasiness: "what are you looking at, my husband?"

"Just now, I saw a man who told me a month ago that she stole your things and drove him out, but now he appears in the Houfu or your yard. Can you explain to me what happened?" Lingluo's voice didn't bring a trace of emotion, and her eyes were full of cold, which made xiaozixuan feel cold all over.

Xiao Zixuan looked at Ling Luo with a wry smile. She didn't explain, but looked at Ling Luo calmly: "you don't believe me, husband, do you?" Because he doesn't believe it, when he sees people, he will ask questions subconsciously.

Lingluo looks at Xiao Zixuan like this, and laughs sarcastically. A good way is to step back and throw the problem to herself directly. It's really I can't find any flaws.

"Why do I ask you that? You know very well that a person who has been expelled from the government doesn't attract other people's attention? Don't tell me you don't know, Xiao Zixuan, do you really think I'm an idiot? " Ling Luo looked down at Xiao Zixuan's pale face and sneered.

He always thought that Xiao Zixuan was a sensible person, but recently he suddenly found that the princess was just like that, just like those women, unable to accommodate others.

Xiao Zixuan watched Ling Luo leave with a white face. He didn't believe himself because he was a woman who said nothing.

The body slightly shakes, Xiao Zixuan laughs at herself, who is she doing that for? But now she found that after doing such a thing, she just pushed Ling Luo farther and farther.

Xiao Zixuan grabs Mammy's hand and says: "Princess Shizi should take good care of her health. You have a young master in your stomach."

"Young master? He he, will he care? " Since the beginning of that woman's affair, Lingluo has completely changed. When he first married, he was so good to himself that she thought they were the best couple and they would be together forever.

But now it's only a long time that everything has changed, and she can't believe that the person who doted on her at the beginning is the same as the person now.

Mother looked at Xiao Zixuan like this, some did not know how to comfort her: "what did the princess say? This is the first child of Shizi. How can he not like it? "

"Is it? But why didn't I feel his expectation for the child? " Xiao Zixuan murmured unconsciously.

If he really likes it, if he really looks forward to it, why is he so perfunctory when he accompanies them? So impatient, as if It seems that I wish she didn't have such a child in her stomach.