This kind of feeling makes Xiao Zixuan a little scared. Will she lose Lingluo's favor at last? No, it's not what she wants. It's all because of the woman named Ning Mengyao. She won't let it go.

Ningmengyao looks at the person in front of her, and her brow is light: "how are you coming?"

Qiao Tianchang went to Ning Mengyao and sat down: "it seems that Xiao Zixuan is going to deal with you."

"Is it?" Ning Mengyao asked quietly.

"Don't you worry?" Seeing that it was none of her business, Qiao Tianchang asked in an unexpected way.

Ning Mengyao suddenly looks at Qiao Tianchang and laughs, which makes Qiao Tianchang unable to help pulling out the cool.

"I'm afraid Xiao Zixuan will think that Lele's business has nothing to do with her. What do you think if this matter is thoroughly exposed, how will Yang Xiu'er hand over the jade plate?" Ning Mengyao asked with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang suddenly felt that he really wanted more. He was worried about the girl. Who knows that she didn't care.

"Tianchang, I only ask you one question. Will the above people pursue this matter to the end?"

"Yes" I'm afraid not if it's an ordinary robber, but the question is, not only is it not, but also the collusion between officials and bandits. That official is still a general of a country, which is a big problem.

And now it's not only about general Qiao's family, but also about the princess of Lord Xiao's mansion. Such a relationship makes it difficult for the above one not to pursue.

Ning Mengyao chuckled: "since that is the case, what am I worried about?"

It's better for the person above to do the natural accounting than that she doesn't have to do anything by herself and can finally achieve the result she wants?

Joe Tianchang couldn't help it. He reached out and pinched: "if they knew you were like this, I don't know if they would kill you with one claw."

Reach out to clap the hand that Qiao Tianchang pinches on the face, Ning Mengyao fiercely glared at her: "don't pinch my face, it's not mud."

Qiao Tianchang was not angry at all, but smiled: "where can mud compare with you?"

"Well, you can stay at the same time." Ningmengyao waves directly to drive people.

This guy is here to make trouble for herself. She is busy and has no time to play with her.

Yang Xiu'er has been waiting at home. At the beginning, she didn't have anything to do, which reassured her a lot. When Yang Xiu'er thought it was all right, the arrival of a group of people made her face white.

Those people are a group of well-dressed people with a few young men. She didn't go to see them, but she also heard others say that those people came to investigate.

When she got the news, Yang Xiuer was cold all over, wasn't she OK? Why did someone come all of a sudden? Besides, it's not the county Lord, but the noble people who don't know where to come from.

After hearing the news she wanted, Yang Xiuer stumbled home, ignored Roche's eyes and found the jade pendant.

Holding the jade pendant tightly, Yang Xiuer seems to be calm. Looking at the jade pendant, her eyes are full of coldness. If they really don't help themselves, even if they die together, she won't make those people feel better.

At Yang Zhu's house, several people were asking Yang Lele about something. When they saw Qiao Tianchang beside them, their eyes flickered slightly: "don't be nervous. We just want to ask you about the robbers."

Yang Lele looks at Ning Mengyao at a loss. Seeing that she nods to herself, she immediately feels relieved.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Do you have any special impression about the robbers?"

Yang Lele thought carefully, then shook his head: "their faces were covered with black scarves, but when they stopped me, there were two carriages before me, and they were not rich or expensive."

At first, no one thought this was wrong, but it soon became strange. There were two rich carriages in front of them, but instead of stopping them, the robbers went to deal with a seemingly ordinary carriage, and the one in the carriage was still an ordinary peasant woman, which was weird no matter how it looked.

"Is there anything strange besides this?" The men looked at each other, frowning together.

Yang Lele shook his head: "this one is gone, but brother Lei An should know something. After he saved me, he looked at those people with strange expression and found out what else from them."