The two of them touch their noses. Well, they really can't handle it.

Ryan snorted. Did he want to tell these two guys that he was scared to have a nightmare by his boss and didn't sleep well all night? How humiliating would it be to say that?

Ryan went into their room, talked to them, and gave them all the things he had picked up at that time.

Looking at the objects in their hands, the pupils of the two men narrowed: "Lord Lei An, here..."

"Do you think it was framed?" Ryan looks at the two and pokes them in the heart.

The two men looked down. They really thought that. After all, if the robbers were really related to general Qiao, then the involvement would be too extensive, even to the general.

Lei An looked at the two men and sneered and said, "you only need to investigate this matter. The emperor already knows this matter."

"Isn't it?" They look at Ryan and are not sure.

Ryan nodded.

The two of them immediately understood what it meant.

They are royalists, but general Qiao supported another prince at the beginning. The reason why he is still a general safely is because of the great general's contribution.

For the emperor's life and death, the general even saved his life. Because of this, the emperor would let Qiao's family go after he ascended the throne. However, no one thought that Qiao's family not only didn't appreciate the general but also forced people away. This was a few years' walk. No one knew where the general had gone.

I only know that the emperor has always left him a place as a general, waiting for him to go back.

"Just know it for yourself."


After getting Ryan's approval, the two men launched a series of investigations. However, they found that this incident was not as simple as it seemed, but rather very complicated. From the robber leader's mouth, they would deal with a weak woman only when they got the keepsake from Qiao's side.

But they're not only investigating this. How do they know where the woman will go? And it happened to be that day.

Later, they found out that they were told by the nanny beside the princess in the Marquis's mansion in Zhenyuan.

And the Mammy was told by a young girl in Baishan village.

After investigating these, they think the trouble is really too big, but it's not good?

Qiao Tianchang was very satisfied with their investigation and watched the two men walk to the door of Yang Xiuer's home: "which one is Yang Xiuer?"

Yang Xiu'er was a little scared when they came to find him. Hearing their words, she shivered and said subconsciously, "I am."

"Take it away."

Seeing that they were going to take their daughter away, Roche was immediately dissatisfied. He stopped Yang Xiuer's body with his hands and glared at them: "what do you want to do? If you don't let go, I'll sue you for trespassing. "

People don't bother to talk to Roche, "if you want to sue, go to the county government. Can you afford to delay our work?"

"What's wrong with my daughter? Are you going to take her?"

"What? She's suspected of killing people. "

The people around me, when they were looking for * * in the morning, were already watching the theatre in situ. Hearing this adult's words, they immediately opened their eyes.

Yang Xiuer is suspected of murder? Looking at her pale, frightened look, everyone thought it might be true.

Roche gritted his teeth and looked at them: "no It's impossible. My daughter won't do such a thing. "

The official impatiently pushed Roche aside: "without evidence, will we arrest people? Get out of the way. "

All the officials took Yang Xiuer and left. When they got to the foot of the mountain, they happened to meet Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang.

Yang Xiu'er didn't know where she came from. She broke away from her hand and ran to Ning Mengyao, holding her clothes tightly. "Mengyao, please help me, I'm wronged."

When Yang Xiuer grabbed her hand, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows were full of disgust: "you said you were wronged? Then go to find the master to avenge it. "