Yang Xiuer looked at Ning Mengyao and begged: "Mengyao, I really know it's wrong. You can help me to talk about love. You must have a way. You are so powerful. I beg you."

Ningmengyao shakes Yang Xiuer's hand and sneers: "first, I don't have that ability, even if there is, why should I help you? What's more, you know it's wrong now. When you help outsiders to kill Lele, why don't you think Lele is a neighbor of the same village? " She didn't understand. How could such people be so cruel?

Looking at her entreaty, rather than being sad, Ning Mengyao took it for granted.

Isn't it for a man of such ruthlessness to get such an end?

Yang Xiuer looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly, her eyes are full of disbelief, she looks at each other stupidly, her eyes are frightened, her eyes are a little listless, then she laughs madly: "ha ha, in the end, you are still for that bitch."

Ningmengyao did not speak when she looked at her crazy appearance, but she looked at her indifferently. Such a woman is really not worth her help.

The eyes of Ning Mengyao are in his eyes. Qiao Tianchang looks at those yamen servants. Several yamen servants take people away.

When Yang Xiuer was dragged away, she kept looking at Ning Mengyao. Qiao Tianchang could not help frowning because of the hate in her eyes. It seems that this woman can't stay.

Ning Mengyao came to Qiao Tianchang's side: "I'm ok, don't worry."

I know, don't be sad for such a person

"Can I?" Ningmengyao raises eyebrows.

Qiao Tianchang is stunned, then chuckles, but he wants to be poor.

After Yang Xiuer was taken away, she always said that she was made to do it by others. When the county Lord asked her for evidence, she took out the jade plate.

When I saw the jade pendant, not only the county magistrate was shocked, but also the two jurors on the side were shocked.

This is the jade pendant of the Lord Xiao's residence. How could it be in the hands of a peasant girl.

"Where did you come from?"

"It's a Mammy, of course. They found me and gave me money to tell them when Yang Lele would come back every time." At this time, it's impossible for Yang Xiuer to hide anything for others. She knows that if she helps others to hide, she will die in the end.

However, she did not know that even if she said it, she would die at last. As for those people under power, they would not be hurt, so she was just a cannon fodder.

The county Lord discussed with the two adults of the jury, and finally decided to detain the people first, but took the jade plate to the Lord Xiao's mansion.

Before this, Yang Xiuer also exposed the place where the Mammy was, and the people were soon arrested.

Yang Xiu'er looked at the frightened look of the Mammy and laughed, "don't you want to abandon me? I'd like to see how you get out now. "

That mammy stares at Yang Xiuer. Her eyes are cold. This woman can't live.

So thinking, Mammy rushed to Yang Xiuer and put out her hand and pinched her neck. When Yang Xiuer was about to die, yamen runner came in suddenly, followed by the county Lord.

See this scene, immediately angry, this also got? In his territory, I dare to kill people.

After dragging Mammy to the cell beside her, Yang Xiu'er finally eased off, and her face was a little better.

"You can't escape my death." Yang Xiuer gasped.

Mammy didn't expect that things would turn out like this. Didn't the princess say that they would not be involved in this? Why is it now.

Yang Xiu'er sneers at Mammy's uncertain look: "do you really have nothing to do with you because of this? That's why I don't worry at all. " It's a pity that they miscalculated. They still have such a proof in their hands.

She stole it? How could she go to such a place to steal such a jade pendant? She said that she had never been to another place except the county seat.

The news that Mammy was arrested soon came to Xiao Zixuan's notice, only because the two adults went to Xiao's mansion with jade plates.

When she saw the jade pendant, Xiao Zixuan's face changed and her teacup fell to the ground.