This jade pendant has always been in her hands, and now it has fallen into the hands of others, or from these two hands.

Li Chengli, who thought that he was in charge of Xing Bu, was old-fashioned and loyal. The other was Wu Zhong, who was the same age as the guards. Both of them belonged to the emperor. Now they are investigating this matter, which is probably what the emperor meant.

"Master Li, where did you and Wu Tongling get the jade plate from?" This jade pendant is only available to the young master and miss of Lord Xiao's residence. How could it fall into the hands of the two people.

Li Cheng looks at Xiao Yilin and tells the story lightly.

Xiao Yilin took the jade plate in the hands of Licheng and frowned: "isn't it your jade plate, Xuaner?" There is a small Xuan character on the back of the jade pendant, which ordinary people won't notice.

Xiao Zixuan was confused and asked, "mine? Why? " Xiao Zixuan took the jade pendant from Xiao Yilin's hands, which was indeed her own.

She remembered that in order to let those people help her, she asked Mammy to take her jade plate out, but she never took it back.

Now it's in the hands of two adults.

"The jade pendant fell before, but it has not been found. I didn't expect that two adults sent it back for the princess." Xiao Zixuan's face was full of gratitude.

With a sneer, Licheng looked at Xiao Zixuan lightly: "in the eyes of the princess, it was obtained in the hands of an important criminal, who said it was obtained from the hands of a mother who had been driven out beside the princess."

This was obvious enough, but Xiao Zixuan frowned: "you're right. It's only because the mammy stole from the princess that she sent people out."

When Li Cheng saw Xiao Zixuan, he was still lying when he opened his eyes. Suddenly, he was impatient to see Xiao Zixuan, and his eyes were also unhappy: "is that right? So why do we find out that, some time ago, the mother who was expelled still entered the Marquis smoothly? "

When Xiao Zixuan's face changed, she thought of putting the matter on Mammy, but she didn't expect that the other side had even investigated it.

"Since the princess can't explain clearly, come with us." Li Cheng looks at Xiao Zixuan sternly.

Xiao Zixuan shook her head with a stiff expression: "the princess is pregnant now, how can she travel a long distance?"

"Can't travel long distances? It's easy to say that the corporal sent the two prisoners to the capital. Let's have a trial together at the penalty department. " Li said, looking at the Xiao Yilin on the side and saying goodbye with his fists: "my Lord and Wu Tongling are going to work first."

After they left, Xiao Yilin looked at Xiao Zixuan sternly: "say what have you done?"

Xiao Zixuan's face was full of grievances: "father, can you still not believe Xuaner?"

Xiao Yilin really dotes on Xiao Zixuan. That's right, but he's not a brainless person either: "I believe you, but I know your nature better. Let's talk about it. How can it relate to the robbers?"

Some time ago, he heard that the Qiao family had something to do with the robbers. The emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation. But now his daughter has something to do with those people. How can he not be angry.

Xiao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yilin a little glum. "Father, I didn't do anything."

"If you don't say it now, when they find out in Licheng, there's no way for father to save you. The Emperor himself asked about it. You know what kind of character the emperor has." Xiao Yilin looked at his daughter and said angrily.

As soon as Xiao Zixuan's body is stiff, it seems that she is really not good at character, which can not be said to be bad. She is easy to get along with in ordinary days. She is as warm as jade. She is talking about him, but once there is something important, he can immediately incarnate into Shura.

All the officials dare not hide anything from him, especially those related to the people. Now the robbers who moved the people are related to themselves, and what will happen to them at that time? She can guess without Xiao Yilin's warning.

Her royal cousin will not be punished lightly because she is his cousin.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zixuan was afraid. She told Xiao Yilin about it.

Xiao Zixuan's words made Xiao Yilin furious: "nonsense."