Yang Cui also came to see the dragon boat with her brother and sister-in-law today, but who ever wanted to turn around and see Qiao Tianchang protecting Ning Mengyao so that she would not be hit by the people behind and fall into the lake.

That careful appearance, let Yang cuihen's not good, that cheap woman how can get Qiao Tianchang's good.

Quietly looked at the side, saw his brother and sister-in-law didn't notice, so he walked towards Ning Mengyao.

When I got to that place, I pretended to be bumped into ningmengyao accidentally.

Originally, Qiao Tianchang was protecting Ning Mengyao so that she would not be hit by the people behind her, but he didn't want to come from the side and run into Ning Mengyao alone.

Ningmengyao was knocked into the lake without paying attention, while Yang Cui grabbed Qiao Tianchang's clothes when she was about to fall.

"Poof Tong" startled people around, watching someone was hit into the lake, hurriedly someone wanted to save.

Yang Cui originally wanted to hold Qiao Tianchang to prevent him from saving Ning Mengyao, but Qiao Tianchang was disgusted and threw her aside: "if Yao Yao has something, you must die."

The murderous look made Yang Cui's scalp numb.

The situation here, uncle Yang and sun Shi also saw it. Seeing Yang Cui like that, they knew that the man in the lake must have been pushed down by her.

Qiao Tianchang jumps into the lake and holds Ning Mengyao in his arms. Although the weather is better now, the water is still cold.

"Is Yaoyao OK?" Qiao Tianchang raised Ning Mengyao's body with one hand and asked anxiously.

"I'm fine. I've got a cramp in my foot." In fact, she can swim, but her feet suddenly cramped, so she can't help herself.

Qiao Tianchang hugged people to the shore and looked at Ning Mengyao's wet appearance. He faintly showed his body. There was a trace of displeasure at the bottom of his eyes. He took off his wet shirt and put it on Ning Mengyao.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Yang Cui sees that Qiao Tianchang is going to leave with Ning Mengyao in her arms. She grabs the clothes on Ning Mengyao's body, which means it's obvious.

Qiao Tianchang's face was gloomy. He kicked Yang Cui and said, "roll."

"Get out of the way."

Qiao Tianchang's tone is not very good, but they can understand and quickly get out of the way.

Yang Cui's eyes are also full of inquiry. They all saw the situation just now. This girl was pushed from other places. In addition, when she came here, she fell into the lake. Just now, she had to drag the clothes on her body. That mind is not poison.

"How can a girl do such a vicious thing?"

"That's right. What's the matter with you when they watch the game here? They even pushed people down. "

"No, not me." Yang Cui quickly shook her head to explain.

People on the side looked at Yang Cui with disdain: "not you? It's not you. What are you doing here? When you come, people will go into the lake. "

"Yes, I was almost pushed down just now."

The villagers around you say what I say, which makes Yang Cuilian hot, not only her, but also Yang Shu and sun Shi feel ashamed.

Qiao Tianchang hugs Ning Mengyao to squeeze out the crowd and goes all the way to her yard in the county.

Qingxue and Qiao Tianchang came back early because they didn't squeeze in. They saw ningmengyao and Qiao Tianchang coming back wet. Ningmengyao was still held in Qiao Tianchang's arms.

"What's the matter with you, young lady?" Qingxue jumps up and looks at them worried.

"I was pushed into the water. Qingshuang, please show Yaoyao. She said that her feet are cramped. Qingxue, you and Qingzhu are going to cook some hot water to make Yaoyao bubble. Qingxuan, you are going to buy us two clothes to come back." In a short time, Joe Tianchang has arranged everyone's tasks.

In addition to Qingshuang, the other three hurriedly went to do their own things. Qiao Tianchang took Ning Mengyao to the room and put her on the chair: "take off the clothes you are trying to wear first, and then change clothes after you have soaked them."

"Well, I know."

After Qiao Tianchang left, Ning Mengyao took off the wet clothes with the help of Qingshuang, and put them on again, which made Qingshuang check her.