Qiao Tianchang stood in the yard, thinking of Ning Mengyao's scene in the water, his face became more and more ugly, which meant that he was about to explode.

When Qingxuan came back with his clothes, he saw Qiao Tianchang's gloomy face. He quickly handed over the clothes in his hand and left in a flash.

My uncle is terrible. He'd better stay away.

Qiao Tianchang goes to the next room to change clothes and tells Qingxuan to let her tell Ning Mengyao to go out and leave.

It doesn't take much time for Ning Mengyao to find Yang Cui.

Yang Cui has been called back by Yang Shu's husband and wife. She looks at her with an ugly face.

"Brother, I I didn't mean to, you Trust me. " Yang Cui tries to defend herself, but no one wants to believe her.

Poplar's brow is blue and sinew, looking at her dead: "do you dare to say? Don't you think we're idiots? Why don't you run to others? When you go to other people, you will fall into the lake. Yang Cui, have you forgotten what I and your second brother said to you? "

Yang Cui's face was a little white. She clenched her lips and lowered her head without answering.

"My sister and sister-in-law know that you don't like ningmengyao, but she's not in a family that we can afford. If she's upset by you, she'll come to deal with your brother at that time. Your big brother's small shop can withstand the ups and downs?" Sun's face was heavy, very unhappy.

Their family's life can only be better because of the shop run by their husband and wife, and their second brother can continue to study. If there is something wrong with Yang Cui's shop, then the livelihood of the family will be a problem.

"Don't be angry, sister-in-law, I know it's wrong."

"You know it's wrong? Do you think our family's life is too good, so you always want to toss and turn? " The poplar roared angrily.

This is what Joe saw when he came here, with a sneer and a sneer in his eyes.

"Poplar, if you can't manage this sister well, then I'll help you with it."

The sudden voice startled all three of them. Looking at the uninvited Qiao Tianchang, Yang Cui was excited, while Yang Shu was worried.

"Brother Joe, you're here to help me, aren't you?" Yang Cui hurriedly comes to Qiao Tianchang's side and asks with a charming face.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's neck: "help you? Help you die? I don't mind giving you a ride. "

Yang Cui didn't react until he was choked by Qiao Tianchang: "brother Qiao, I I didn't mean to You let go Let go of me. "

Qiao Tianchang looked coldly at Yang Cui, who was red and struggling all the time: "Yang Cui, you come to our trouble again and again, today I will let you know what is regret."

The two people on the edge were frightened by Qiao Tianchang's violent appearance and dare not move.

"Joe, it's against the law."

"Breaking the law? Don't know if it's against the law to deliberately murder others? " Qiao Tianchang sneered and looked at the couple ironically.

Both husband and wife look at each other in the eyes of each other and see the worry: "this matter is that we are wrong, we apologize, we will restrain her in the future."

Qiao Tianchang released Yang Cui's hand and turned to look at the two men with cold eyes, as if to confirm whether they were saying it.

They are very stiff. I'm afraid you won't agree with Joe Tianchang.

"Since you said that, it's OK this time, but if she comes to trouble Yao Yao and me again, it's not just her, your family will pay for it." Joe Tianchang's eyes are full of ruthlessness.

He didn't want to kill Yang Cui, but it's not the right time, so it's good. However, the death can be avoided, and the life can't be escaped.

Qiao Tianchang's face was full of ridicule: "that's the hand just now, trying to humiliate Yao Yao, right?" Qiao Tianchang grabs Yang Cui's left hand and twists heavily.

Yang Cui screams out, his face is full of paleness and pain: "it's a lesson to break your hand, Yang Cui, you'd better keep back, or you'll end up like this next time." Qiao Tianchang kicks on the stool on the edge, and the stool will fall apart. The two people on the edge are afraid to move.