When Qiao Tianchang went back, Ning Mengyao had already washed and changed her clothes. She was sitting in the yard with long hair and ginger soup to dispel the cold.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Where have you been?" Ning Mengyao's eyes were burning at Qiao Tianchang.

Sitting at will beside Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang said lightly, "just to teach those people some lessons."

"What did you do?" Ningmengyao blinked curiously, and the pungent ginger soup seemed not so hard to drink at this time.

Joe Tianchang looks at her spoiled: "nothing, just to break one of her hands."

Ningmengyao blinks. How can people like what this guy does.

Originally I wanted to play. Who knows that something like this happened? It's really unlucky. They all regret to suggest that they come to see dragon boat.

"Let's go back."


When the party went back, they were still a little strange. They thought they would come back at night. Who knew they would.

"Why did you come back so early?"

Qingshuang and they told Mrs. Qin about it. Mrs. Qin's face was ugly: "good Yang Cui, do you think we are good at bullying?"

"Don't be angry with my mother-in-law. Tianchang has avenged me." Ning Mengyao looked at the headache of mother Qin and said with some painful stroking.

"That's almost the same. Then you can go and have a rest." Mrs. Qin is satisfied. It's really better for her uncle.

Ningmengyao didn't want to say anything to grandma Qin. She just looked at her helplessly. If she was depressed, she would be depressed.

Qiao Tianchang followed Ning Mengyao upstairs and followed her into the study. When Ning Mengyao was about to turn around, Qiao Tianchang hugged her from behind.

"Yao Yao......"

This is the first time for Qiao Tianchang to see ningmengyao. She looks at Qiao Tianchang askew and wonders, "what's the matter with you?"

"Let's get engaged." Qiao Tian thought for a long time and looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang stupidly, and does not respond for a while: "why?"

"That's what I want." Qiao Tianchang lost a flash in his heart.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang seriously, his eyes looked at him, and saw his reflection in his eyes, as if he was the only one left in his eyes.

"I don't want much, a couple for life."

Joe Tianchang smiled: "I also like this kind of feeling."

"That's fine." Ning Mengyao nodded with satisfaction.

Ningmengyao's answer, let Qiao Tianchang very satisfied, both hands force, turn the person, let her face herself, bow and kiss.

At the end of the kiss, Qiao Tianchang's breath was a little unsteady. He looked at the red cheeks and the confused Ning Mengyao's eyes with a thick smile.

"I asked the village head for help."

"Good." Ning Mengyao nodded stupidly, looking very clever.

Looking at her clever appearance, Qiao Tianchang thought of some evil things. If she did anything, wouldn't she doubt herself?

But I can only think about it. When Ning Mengyao came back to her senses, her face turned blue and white. Finally, she was so angry that she pinched him hard on his waist.

However, her effort seemed to be just tickling Qiao Tianchang, and Ning Mengyao was biting her teeth.

"You, you, you I'm pissed off. "

"Well, don't be angry. I'll let you come back." Qiao Tianchang's face I'm happy to approach Ning Mengyao, who slapped me out.

When the village head's family came over in the evening, Qiao Tianchang told Yang Zhu and his wife about it, and both of them agreed with it very much.

Both of them are good children and kind to people. It's natural for them to come together.

"It's up to Uncle Yang." Yang Zhu guarantees directly.

The news made Yang Lele open her mouth. Next to Ning Mengyao, she whispered, "you really want to marry?"

"It's just engagement."

"But if you are engaged, you will get married soon." Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao in confusion, as if he didn't understand why she said that.