Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Cui with a smile on his face. "Isn't it silly? I mean it, so what?" She doesn't worry about Yang Cui's words at all. She has to be believed even if she says it. If she doesn't believe it, it's no use talking about it.

Yang Cui stares at Ning Mengyao fiercely: "I will let you know how hypocritical you are. I must let you out."

It doesn't matter to shrug, Ning Mengyao light mouth: "then see whether they believe my words or believe your words."

After a while, Aunt Li brought Yang Zhu and some villagers, including Chen Shi.

On the way here, she had told everyone about it. When she heard that Yang Cui was almost killed with scissors, everyone didn't believe it.

But when they came, they saw Ning Mengyao's white face and the scissors on the ground, and they understood immediately.

Yang Cui is here for trouble.

"Ning Mengyao, you want to frame my daughter again. I won't let you succeed." Chen's pre emptive, in between everyone's opening, on the first to Ning Mengyao angry voice scold.

Ningmengyao clenched her lips and looked at Chen Shi. After a long time, she laughed at herself: "Auntie, I really don't know where I'm getting in the way of your eyes. I'm engaged to make trouble for you. Now I'm making clothes at home. Your daughter wants my life and destroys my face. Am I rushing against your family criminal?"

People around also think that Chen's family is not kind enough. They would rather dream about how much benefits Yao brings to their village. Now, those around the village don't envy them. If there are relatives in their village, they are asking if they can work here.

It's just that both workshops are not big enough to use so many people, so that those people can only look at them enviously, and at the same time, they are also envious. Why is such a good thing not in their village?

Now someone's going to drag you down? You should know that people seldom go to the village. They are basically in their own home, especially after the engagement. Because Qiao Tianchang has something to go out, she has been doing needlework, making clothes and looking at the workshop. She has not found them. How can she end up here.

They didn't dig their ancestral graves, did they? Why are you always looking for trouble.

Chen's face is changed. Unexpectedly, this man can still speak eloquently: "Ning Mengyao, you don't have to pretend to be poor here. Who knows if you insult my daughter?"

"Ning Mengyao, don't you feel uneasy about your conscience when you slander me like this?" Yang Cuihong eyes, looking at Ning Mengyao, expression is very aggrieved.

Now people don't understand, but Aunt Li roars angrily: "your mother and daughter are really shameless. They bully an orphan girl like this. Yang Cui, if you wish to be a daughter like this, are you not afraid of thunderclap? It's no wonder that people like you don't want you to marry such a poisonous thing. It's strange that your family looks up to you. "

Aunt Li's words were not polite at all. Seeing Chen's retort, she continued, "what's wrong with Yang Cui when Mengyao is making clothes at home? Are you going to run to someone's house and shout? It's you who first came to trouble others, and now you're just like your family. "

Aunt Li's words made everyone think they were right. There was no mistake at all.

The eyes of Chen's mother and daughter are also slightly dissatisfied. How can you provoke you when you say that this family doesn't hinder you? Run to others for trouble.

Yang Zhu looked at Yang Cui's white face for a moment, walked up to them and sighed heavily: "Cui wench is not uncle said you, if you have been like this, then leave Baishan village. We dare not ask you to be such a girl."

"What do you mean, village head?" Chen screamed.

Yang Zhu looked at Chen's and said coldly, "what do you mean? If you can't take care of your daughter, then your family should move out of Baishan village. Don't think that's what I said
