Before the arrival of Ning Mengyao, their family was the richest in Baishan village. People looked at her with envy. They thought that she had two good sons, one could make money and the other was a scholar. Even her daughter had many people who wanted to propose marriage.

But when Ning Mengyao came, everything changed. Their family's status gradually disappeared in Baishan village. Her daughter's reputation was destroyed. Now she still needs to be treated like this, and she was almost driven out of the village.

Yang Zhu looked at Chen's unbelievable appearance, with a light expression on his face: "I know what you think. I think we are selfish, but Chen's why are you not selfish? Yao Yao let the people in the village make money at their own door, let each family have a good life. Do you want to disappoint Mengyao with our village? "

"Yes, who doesn't envy us now? Chen Shi if you look for her trouble again, I hope you move away. After all, your family has money. It's not difficult to go to the county to buy a set of yard. "

Chen looked at the person who was constantly blaming his family and was furious.

"Chen's Baishan village doesn't have to have a household like yours." Yang Zhu sighed, "don't say I'm leaning towards Mengyao. If you didn't come to her for trouble over and over again, you wouldn't be like this."

Chen was so angry that she almost broke her white teeth. She also thought that this time she could make ningmengyao's reputation stink. Who knew that it would turn out to be like this in the end, which was unexpected to her.

Looking at Chen's unconvinced appearance, Yang Zhu was helpless: "this time we will not investigate, but if you continue like this, our village will not accommodate you."

Their village is full of energy now. It's just to make their life better. When everyone is working hard, how can they allow such people to drag them down.

Knowing that their village may become the richest of several nearby villages, he can't let Chen destroy all this.

At this time, Ning Mengyao also timely said: "I'm ok, Yang Cui is also kicked by my guard. That's all right, but I don't want you to come to me for trouble."

When they said this, they thought that Ning Mengyao was really generous, so they bypassed Yang Cui.

People all think that Ning Mengyao is generous and kind-hearted. Only they know that Qingxuan's foot is enough for Yang Cui to get out of bed for a month.

Otherwise, how could Ning Mengyao forget that.

In the end, Chen had no choice but to give thanks to ningmengyao for his anger. This feeling is really more unacceptable than swallowing a fly.

After the mother and daughter left, Yang Zhu let the crowd disperse and went to your side. Looking at her, she was worried: "are you OK, Mengyao girl?"

"Don't worry, uncle Yang."

"You ah, to dream Yao uncle trouble you one thing." Yang Zhu is a little embarrassed.

"Said uncle Yang."

Yang Zhu shook his head helplessly: "isn't this for Lele? Her mother and I will not stop what she wants to do, just hope she can come back earlier, after all, she is not young

Ning Mengyao understood immediately when she heard it, and looked at Yang Zhu and said with a smile: "don't worry, uncle Yang. I know what you mean. Lele is a good girl. Naturally, I can't make fun of her happiness."

She hoped that Yang Lele would also be happy, so she had her own ideas for a long time.

Yang Zhu looked at Ning Mengyao with embarrassment: "the uncle of Mengyao......"

"It doesn't matter that I can understand. Next year, after Lele learns, I will let her come back and work in the county." So that she can often go home, Yang Zhu and they can go to see her when they want to.

Yang Zhu a listen, extremely grateful: "Mengyao really thank you."

"No thanks."

Yang Zhu and Ning Mengyao talked for a while, and left satisfied.

After Yang Zhu left, Ning Mengyao had a light smile on her face. In fact, there was nothing wrong with such a controversial life.

So thinking, Ning Mengyao shakes her head in a smile and continues to sew clothes with the stitches in the embroidering basket. If someone sees it now, he will see the happy smile on her face.