After the engagement, life was easy and relaxed. The only bad thing was that Joe Tianchang had not come back, and he did not know when he would come back. Did he have a good life.

When Ning Mengyao thinks about Qiao Tianchang, Qiao Tianchang in the distance looks at lei'an with a cold face.

"Don't look at me like that, boss. I'm afraid." Ryan, you're pitifully looking at Joe Tianchang.

God knows who caused the boss to get angry. It's been many days since he came here. His face is like a dynamite barrel. He may be blown up at any time.

Before, because of the things they had planned, they were smashed. The boss almost didn't tear off the guy's skin. People are still lying in bed.

Since that day, everyone has been careful and careful in their work. I'm afraid that a general Joe Tianchang will be offended by carelessness.

Joe looked at Ryan coldly and said, "how are you doing what you're asked to do?"

"Don't worry, elder brother. I've made an investigation." Ryan nodded quickly, but he didn't dare to say no.

Joe Tianchang graciously looked at the deep eyes in front of him.

What used to take only a short time to solve has taken so long.

Just after the engagement, Qiao Tianchang came to this place. What had been planned had been messed up by others. However, Qiao Tianchang could not help but get angry.

Although it's not very good, it's not without any harm, but the effect is very good. Because these thickened affairs are more and more careful, and there is almost no mistake. If they go on at this speed, he should be able to go back soon, and I don't know if the girl is thinking about her.

I don't think Ning Mengyao is OK. The more he thinks about it, the more he wants to go back to her.

He didn't know what she was doing in this period of time. He didn't know whether she was living as leisurely as before.

What Qiao Tianchang thinks of, Ning Mengyao naturally does not know.

She looked at Xiao Qitian in front of her and frowned slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Ningmengyao is curious. When he comes here, he usually doesn't have any wine. This time, he looks so serious, which makes ningmengyao a little confused.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao's eyes with inquiry. He doesn't know what he is thinking. At last, Ning Mengyao is not comfortable: "Xiao Qitian, what's the matter with you coming here?"

Xiao Qitian's eyes twinkled slightly, looking at Ning Mengyao: "you are engaged to Tianchang?" Before the news, Qiao Tianchang told him that at the beginning, he felt dissatisfied and wanted to find a chance to come and ask about it. However, brother Huang had to be busy until now.

"Yes." Ning Mengyao nodded after a pause in her movements.

"You think you deserve him?" Xiao Qitian's eyes have been looking at Ning Mengyao with serious expression.

Ning Mengyao put down the embroidery basket and looked at Xiao Qitian's face: "Xiao Qitian, I know your identity is not rich, but it's between Qiao Tianchang and me. You have too much to deal with. As long as he thinks I can stand beside him, it's enough. What can I do with you?"

Xiao Qitian thought he should be very angry, but when he saw Ning Mengyao's cold eyes, he found that he didn't seem to have a position to say these things.

"I know you're his friend, but I'm not living with you. I know how life is. As long as we feel happy and natural, it's OK. I won't interfere in what he wants to do." Ning Mengyao's statement is obviously to show his position.

Xiao Qitian's face slightly changed. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he suddenly found that he had never really understood the woman. She was like a mystery.

"If you're talking about this today, you don't have to." Ningmengyao will not be dissatisfied with Qiao Tianchang because of Xiao Qitian's questions. Instead, they pay attention to Qiao Tianchang. She should be glad that he has such a good brother.