Xiao Qitian suddenly laughed: "to be honest, I started to cooperate with you because of him, especially after knowing that there are his members in your workshop."

When he is alone outside, he needs money everywhere. They will not ask Qiao Tianchang directly. He also knows that Qiao Tianchang has the ability to make money by himself, but he still hopes that his good friends and brothers can have a better life. So at last, he has the idea of cooperation sauce and later drinks.

Now Qiao Tianchang's life has also been guaranteed. Seeing Ning Mengyao like this, he knows that Qiao Tianchang's life should be good. He and his brother don't have to worry about it.

His eyes were on the unfinished clothes in Ning Mengyao's hands: "is this for him?"

"Yes." Ningmengyao nodded. She didn't know how many clothes she had made for Qiao Tianchang. She just thought that before she went to help him clean the house, she saw that there were not many clothes for him, so she wanted to help him do more.

Xiao Qitian is relieved. Judging from the stitches, she knows that Ning Mengyao is very attentive. She doesn't want to live with him and get along with him. How can she help make clothes?

And he knew that one of her servant girls could do needlework. Her clothes were all made by that servant girl. She didn't want to make them for herself. Now she helps Qiao Tianchang to make clothes. Maybe Tianchang will live happily in the future.

"He will be back soon." Xiao Qitian suddenly opens his mouth.

Ning Mengyao was shocked, then nodded: "I know, he said."

"Do you believe him so?" Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao unexpectedly. After all, Qiao Tianchang hasn't heard from him since he went there.

But she still has such trust.

"Well, believe it."

Xiao Qitian is more satisfied. Looking at Ning Mengyao, "his family is a little complicated. Although he has separated himself, his father will certainly drain all his use value. So I hope you can always believe him like this. If one day it comes out that he did something sorry to you, it must not have been done by him."

Ningmengyao frowns. What does xiaoqitian mean?

"What do you want to say?"

"Tianchang's mother is an aunt of general Qiao ' Xiao Qitian tells Ning Mengyao everything about Qiao Tianchang.

Ning Mengyao frowned: "in this case, his father should value him very much."

"If it's in someone else's house, it's true, but Qiao Zhenghong is not. Only because Tianchang's position is higher than that of him. When Tianchang was appointed as a general, he was a real town general. It's a slap in the face for him, and it's not the honor of Qiao's eldest son, so Qiao's family is not only the general's wife, but also Qiao Zhenghong's wish that Tianchang would stay out all his life Go. " Xiao Qitian was very dismissive of the family.

Ningmengyao is biting her lips tightly. Her face is gloomy and ugly, which is what it looks like.

Xiao Qitian sighed heavily: "Mengyao I tell you this, I hope you and him can be together well in the future, he was too hard before."

A 12-year-old, who was still in the love of her family, was desperately fighting on the battlefield. She couldn't imagine how Qiao Tianchang survived on the battlefield.

"And then?"

"After he was conferred as the general of the town, he met with the emperor once, but disappeared the next day. No one in the court knew where he was, and his position was kept by the emperor all the time. That's why Qiao Zhenghong had some ideas that he shouldn't have, especially about the robbers. When Qiao Zhenghong was demoted, he could not give up his future Son. When he came, he knew that someone was following him. Those people were Qiao Zhenghong's, but he also looked down on himself too much.

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "so it is."