Now she understands Xiao Qitian's meaning. Maybe Qiao Zhenghong wants to use Qiao Tianchang to consolidate his position.

"Well, so I hope you'll be prepared. Sooner or later, they'll come here." Xiao Qitian is worried.

When Qiao Tianchang was the only one in the past, he could naturally avoid everyone's sight, but now it's different. With Ning Mengyao, they plan to have a good life in this small mountain village. In this way, no matter what, they are bound to leave traces, and their whereabouts will be exposed soon.

Qiao Tianchang's engagement with Ning Mengyao will also be passed to Qiao Zhenghong. At that time, he will probably kill Ning Mengyao directly and let Qiao Tianchang go back obediently. According to their wishes, he will marry a family that can consolidate their status.

Ning Mengyao sneered and said, "I know that if they don't do anything to hurt Tianchang, I won't care. But if they dare to hurt Tianchang, then don't blame me for my ruthlessness." She has the ability to protect Joe Tianchang and not let anyone hurt him.

Xiao Qitian looks at the momentum of Ning Mengyao at that moment, some accidents, some excitement, maybe Ning Mengyao will bring them a lot of unexpected gains.

"You don't have to worry about Tianchang. I'll take care of him."

"I used to be worried, but now I'm completely relieved after listening to you." Xiao Qitian didn't cover it up. He spoke directly.

Ning Mengyao smiled and said, "well."

Xiao Qitian stayed in ningmengyao's house for a while. After eating, he took several jars of wine robbed from her house and ran away.

"Less and less. It's too much to carry five circles to me." Ning Mengyao looks at the five jars of wine that are missing, which is very painful.

After Xiao Qitian returned to the capital, he went to the palace with wine and met Xiao Qifeng, the current emperor.

"I'm back, brother." The relationship between Xiao Qitian and Xiao Qifeng is very good. They get along like this when there is no outsider.

Xiao Qifeng, who is dealing with the memorial, looks up at his younger brother and says, "how is it?"

"Don't worry, Tianchang will be very happy." Xiao Qitian laughs and tells Xiao Qifeng about the chat with Ning Mengyao.

Xiao Qifeng's movements stopped for a while, and he smiled: "so I can rest assured that Tianchang is always reluctant to marry and hide these years. I thought he would be lonely for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that there would be a Ning Mengyao."

"Brother Huang, this is the wine I robbed from Mengyao. I have three jars for you, and I have two jars left. If it wasn't for her, there wouldn't be many. I'd like to rob a little more." Xiao Qitian put three wine jars on Xiao Qifeng's table, and his face was depressed.

Xiao Qifeng is helpless: "you little boy, how much money did you make by cooperating with her? You are not satisfied now."

Xiao Qitian smiled: "that's not the case. Although the wine tastes very good, it's not as good as wine. After drinking it once, I'll never forget it. If I didn't take the wine by the way, I wouldn't have the chance to enter her cellar."

"I've got a bargain and I'm still good. What's the matter with Tianchang?" Xiao Qifeng has nothing to do with his brother.

Two thirds of the money he made was put into the Treasury. He didn't like things in the court, so he liked doing business. He also turned a blind eye to this, as long as he liked it.

Speaking of this, Xiao Qitian's expression was a lot more serious: "this matter should be solved soon. It could have been handled a few days ago, but it was messed up by someone. Tianchang was angry and cleaned up the man."

"Oh?" Xiao Qifeng has some accidents. You should know that Tianchang loves those soldiers the most. How could he clean up people?

Xiao Qitian laughs: "when brother Huang sent a message, it was before Tianchang wanted to make an engagement, he left the day after the engagement. Do you think he could be happy?"

"That's also true. What can I do for Ning Mengyao? Please help me." Xiao Qifeng thought and spoke.

He is not happy with Qiao Tianchang's departure, but he can understand. After all, Qiao Tianchang has been working hard all these years. This time, when he received his own news, he was obliged to go over and let his dissatisfaction disappear.