He can go to show that he is not so smart, he is still worried about him, or he will not go straight after the engagement.

"You don't have to worry about brother Huang. I don't think Ning Mengyao is as simple as we think. Maybe Tianchang's marrying her is a great help to Tianchang." Xiao Qitian thought of the previous investigation on Ning Mengyao.

He had to admire ningmengyao's concealment.


"She has a better way of doing business than me, and according to my investigation, she has opened embroidery workshops in several countries before the distilleries and sauce workshops, and these embroidery workshops are all hidden, only doing noble business. If she wants to, then it's not a problem to control the trend of other countries. This is only part of it. I think she is very mysterious " Xiao Qitian thought about it and explained it like this.

Even he did not dig out the bottom of ningmengyao completely.

The handmaidens in her hands are not simple. At present, she only knows that Qingzhu is in charge of all the embroidery workshops. As for what Qingshuang and Qingxue are in charge of, except that Qingshuang's medical skills are very good, it is not clear that they are just ordinary handmaidens. It is necessary to know that the temperament of the two people is not comparable to that of ordinary handmaidens.

"Oh? Is she really so good? "

"Yes, she once had some relationship with Lingluo. Later, Lingluo married Xiao Zixuan and made her a flat wife. At that time, she burned the house near the capital city and went to the small mountain village where Tianchang was. If it wasn't for her to send the daughter of the head of Baishan village to xiuzhuang, I couldn't find it." Xiao Qitian frowned.

There is an idea in his heart that Ning Mengyao will make everyone amazing in the future. What he has to do now is to have a good relationship with her.

Xiao Qifeng lived in the upper position for many years, and naturally understood Xiao Qitian's meaning: "this matter is for you to do. Don't investigate her anymore. I believe in the sunshine of Tianchang." If Ning Mengyao is really so powerful, Tianchang will come back one day, which will be good for him.

"It's brother Huang, but we can't approach her with purpose, otherwise it will backfire. She is a very sensitive woman." Xiao Qitian is helpless. He has known him for several months. He still understands him a little.

"Well, I don't mind if you do it." They are two brothers of a mother's compatriot. They grew up together with deep feelings. He was not interested in the throne, so he went out to do business and helped him to enrich the Treasury for a rainy day. Now the Treasury is full, and they can deal with natural disasters very well.

"That is." Xiao Qitian said with a smile.

"Well, since I'm here, I'll eat with my brother today. I'll try whether this wine is as good as you say." Xiao Qifeng said as he dealt with the memorial.


Ning Mengyao doesn't know what happened in the capital. She doesn't have the time to think about it these days.

Now it's early summer, there's a lot of rain, there's a lot of mushrooms growing on the mountain, so she told the half big girls in the village, and the people who didn't come to work, how many mushrooms she would like to receive.

So the rest of the village went to the mountain to pick mushrooms. Later, Ning Mengyao found ferns for them to recognize. At last, they went to the mountain to pick more ferns.

Looking at the mushrooms and ferns collected every day, Ning Mengyao was very satisfied. She thought of the dried ferns and mushrooms in the past, which were also very delicious.

Joe Tianchang came back on the 10th day after she began to collect mushrooms.

This Tianning Mengyao is pointing out the little girls to help her dry the mushrooms and ferns. Suddenly, she hears the sound of horses' hooves coming from outside. When she goes out to have a look, she sees Qiao Tianchang coming back in a mess.

"Back." When she didn't see her, she was busy all the time. She didn't think about him. Now when she saw people coming back, she suddenly missed them very much.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, reached out and held Ning Mengyao, smelling the warm breath on her body: "I'm back."

"I asked Qingxue to prepare water for you. Go wash it and watch it dirty."