Qiao Tianchang rubbed on Ning Mengyao's body: "well, it's nice to come back. I'm hungry."

"I asked grandma Qin to make you food." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Green snow they go to help prepare hot water when they see Qiao Tianchang, and Ning Mengyao goes back to his house to get his clothes.

These days, she seems to be possessed. She has made ten suits for Qiao Tianchang, as well as many coats and shoes.

Ning Mengyao put the clothes in the bathroom cubicle: "Tianchang clothes I put here for you."


After a quick wash, Joe came out and saw new clothes, shoes and socks, and inner clothes on the table.

Reaching for his clothes, Qiao Tianchang had a happy smile on his face. It was the first time someone made clothes for him after his mother died.

Quickly put on clothes and shoes, and walk out with long hair.

"How is it? Does it fit? " Seeing him coming out, Ning Mengyao asked.

This is a dark blue summer dress with some pretty patterns embroidered on it. The shoes are also set with the clothes. They look very suitable.

"Well, it fits." Joe had a good time. There was nothing wrong with him.

"That's good. I've made some for you. When you go back later, take all of them back. I don't think you have any clothes." Ningmengyao helps grandma Qin to put the food on the table and opens her mouth with a smile.

Ning Mengyao took it for granted, and Qiao Tianchang was surprised at first, then very happy.

This feeling is really good.

Regardless of other people on the edge, Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao's side, reaches out and hugs her waist from behind, with a happy smile on his face: "it's nice for Yaoyao to have you."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm fine." Joe Tianchang shook his head.

He just felt warm and very happy in his heart, which was the feeling he had never felt since his mother died.

"Well, have a meal and have a rest." Ning Mengyao patted the big hand on his waist and asked him to release it first.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, followed Ning Mengyao's movements and sat beside her, eating the meal prepared by mother-in-law Qin: "the meal made by mother-in-law is delicious." Qiao Tianchang's satisfaction.

"I'll do it for you every day if my uncle likes it." Mrs. Qin was very happy. She couldn't help laughing at Qiao Tianchang's greedy appearance.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "thank you mother-in-law."

After he finished eating, Ning Mengyao looked at him curiously: "how do you go so long this time?"

"What could have come back half a month earlier was only damaged, so it was later." Then he told ningmengyao something about the robbers.

Those robbers really have a great relationship with the Qiao family. It's not exactly the Qiao family that got them.

One of the robbers was Qiao Zhenghong's subordinates. At that time, he seemed to drive people away. That person was the leader of the robbers.

He found a lot of letters with Qiao Zhenghong in his room. He thought that this time Qiao Zhenghong was not reduced to official rank.

If there is no evidence before, then now the evidence of Qiao Zhenghong's collusion with the robbers has reached the hands of the emperor. Even if he does not die this time, he will take off his skin.

"He's looking for death." After listening, Ning Mengyao just said this.

Qiao Tianchang smiled sarcastically: "he is so confident that he can't be found. Even if he can't be found, he still has many merits."

"I see, but I'm afraid he'll be unlucky this time." If there is no foreshadowing for the previous time, this time even if there is such evidence, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

However, this time is not the same. With the foreshadowing, I'm afraid it will be easier for him this time.


Sure enough, Xiao Qifeng was furious the next morning when he saw the evidence.

Qiao Zhenghong looked at the evidence and turned white. How could it be? He didn't get the news at all. What's the matter?

"General Joe, can you tell me what's going on?" Xiao Qifeng hit Qiao Zhenghong with a fold in his hand.