Qiao Zhenghong kneels on the ground and looks down. It's really over this time.

"Ask the emperor to see clearly. It has nothing to do with the minister." When Qiao Zhenghong arrived at this time, he even wanted to escape from his responsibilities. He just wanted to die.

Xiao Qifeng sneered, "general Qiao, do you think I have made a mistake?"

"I dare not."

"I don't think you're afraid of anything."

All the ministers present, seeing Xiao Qifeng's gas in this way, dare not speak casually, lower their heads, and then listen.

"Since general Joe thinks he's insulting you, let's see something else." Then he asked people to take a confession and clearly said all the transactions between the other party and him.

Seeing this testimony, Qiao Zhenghong's first reaction was that he thought it was false, but then he thought that Xiao Qifeng could not make such a false statement to deceive him, that is to say, it was all true.

"What else does general Joe have to say?" Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Zhenghong and asked lightly, with anger and dignity in his eyes.

Qiao Zhenghong had nothing to say. At this time, he came out with Licheng: "it's a shame for general Qiao to do what he did. As a general of the dynasty, he colluded with the robbers and did something to bully the people. This must be severely punished, otherwise, he will follow suit in the future. The people's life will be miserable."

"Mr. Li is right."

"The emperor must be severely punished."

Xiao Qifeng has been sitting on the top and looking at the scene below. The expression on his face is unclear. At last, he raised his hand too much to let them go on.

"Joe Zhenghong, do you know the sin?"

"I know the crime." Qiao Zhenghong kneels on the ground with his hands clenched into fists and clenches his teeth angrily.

Looking at Qiao Zhenghong, Xiao Qifeng sneered and said, "since you are guilty, you should go to your general's post and take back the general's house. The Qiao family will move out of the general's house immediately."

Qiao Zhenghong's eyes widened. He had no idea that Xiao Qifeng had directly changed his position as a general. His face suddenly turned ugly: "emperor Qiao Tianchang is the general of the town. He also wants to live in the general's house." Although there are some euphemisms in his words, they still hear that he is not satisfied with Xiao Qifeng's treatment.

"Joe Tianchang has already left the capital. No one knows where he is now. He said at the beginning that he has nothing to do with the Qiao family." Xiao Qifeng light mouth, said the words of course.

All the people on the scene knew that when Qiao Tianchang became the general of the town, Qiao Zhenghong's face was so ugly that he almost didn't strangle him.

At that time, Qiao Tianchang just looked coldly at the person who scolded and scolded him. His face was calm. After he finished speaking, he cut off his father son relationship with Qiao Zhenghong on the Jinluan palace and declared that he had nothing to do with what he did in the future.

Qiao Zhenghong didn't care at that time. If he went to all of them now and talked about it with his merits, it would be a shame.

After breaking off the relationship with Qiao Zhenghong, Qiao Tianchang disappeared the next day. As for where he went, maybe only the emperor knew.

Qiao Zhenghong's face was blue, white and ugly.

"Emperor, although general Qiao's doing such a thing is unacceptable, he is also a meritorious minister..."

"What do you mean by Lin Taifu is that my punishment is very serious? What's the crime of colluding with bandits? " Xiao Qifeng looked at Lin Taifu and asked gently.

Lin Taifu's expression froze, and suddenly bowed, because Qiao Zhenghong was his son-in-law, which would help him talk, but now That is to carry a stone and hit your own feet.

Officials of the imperial court colluded with the bandits, and the result was that the whole family was killed. Now the Emperor just changed his position and took back the general's residence, which was a light punishment anyway.

"Old minister Old minister... "

"That's enough. You all think he's worthy of my punishment. Let's take a look at this." Xiao Qifeng throws down a booklet, which is the collusion between Qiao Zhenghong and the robbers. Half of what the robbers get is sent to Qiao's house.

One by one, after reading it, everyone's face changed. Those who wanted to plead with Qiao Zhenghong just now were silent.

Qiao Zhenghong didn't know what they saw. He was worried.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Zhenghong's curious look: "it seems that you are curious about what I show them. Since you are so curious, you can have a look yourself."

When Qiao Zhenghong finished watching it, the whole person was paralyzed on the ground, this time it was over.