Qiao Tianchang went to Li Wei's face: "are you going by yourself or am I throwing you out?"

Li Wei's face is very ugly. Judging from the man's momentum, he can also feel that this man is not an ordinary person, and his face is a little bad now.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Isn't it the magistrate's son who Yang Cui married? Why, the son that the county Lord is proud of should do such a thing of oppressing people with power? It really opened our eyes. " Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

Li Wei looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "as my woman, I will give you whatever you want."

In a word, Ning Mengyao smiles, Qiao Tianchang is angry, but Ning Mengyao's smile is a deep laugh.

"What do I want? What do you give me? So I want your head? Do you give it too? " Ning Mengyao said with a smile, saying it was bloody.

Qiao Tianchang puts his hand around Ning Mengyao's waist, imprisons people tightly in his arms and announces the ownership silently.

"Robbing women with me? Are you ready to die? " Joe looked at Li Wei coldly.

This is the treasure in his palm. Shall she be watched.

Li Wei looked at Qiao Tianchang coldly: "you are just a hunter. What can I give her? Besides, you has the final say.

"I'm not interested in your crooked dates." Ning Mengyao turned his mouth away in disgust and said displeased.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and pinched the small nose tip of Ning Mengyao: "it's the county magistrate, anyway. We should give some face."

"How much is face worth? I'll sell you. " Ning Mengyao gave Qiao Tianchang a white look and hummed.

Li Wei looks at the woman he likes, flirts with other men in front of him, and his face suddenly becomes gloomy.

"I'll make you regret it." Then turn around and leave.

Ningmengyao's face is rarely smelly: "I don't know how the brain of this man grows."

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face had a profound expression: "how could he come here?"

Ningmengyao shrugged and told the story again. Qiao Tianchang listened and raised his eyebrows slightly: "what did Yang Cui bring? What does she want to do? "

"Who knows what she wants to do." Although it is said in this way, there are some strange ideas in Ning Mengyao's mind.

Maybe Yang Cui has some plans.

Angrily back to Yang Cui's house, Li Wei without any pity dragged people into the room and asked coldly, "what's the woman's name?"

Needless to say, Yang Cui also knows who he said: "her name is Ning Mengyao."

"And the man?" Thinking of the man holding Ning Mengyao's waist, Li Wei's eyes are full of anger.

Yang Cui's mouth was hooked and said lightly, "that's Ning Mengyao's fiance. They have been engaged for some time."

"What did you say? She's engaged? " Li Wei's eyes widened as if he had been struck by thunder.

She even has been engaged. If there is no engagement, he can still get people by means. But if there is engagement, it will be difficult. At that time, the old man at home knows that he can't bear to blame him.

"Yes, she has been engaged. She will be engaged after the Dragon Boat Festival." Yang Cui nodded and looked at Li Wei's tangled appearance. She sneered at him, and he was also a man with a lust and no gall.

Li Wei sat on the bed and knocked on the table with one hand. He had a calm face and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing him like this, Yang Cui frowned: "what are you thinking, my husband?"

"It's nothing. If you want to live in your mother's house, live here. I'll go back first." He's going to check the identity of this woman and that man.

Qiao Tianchang doesn't look like an ordinary hunter.

If one of them is the one he can't provoke, he can only rest his mind on Ning Mengyao. He didn't want to ruin his future because of a woman.

Women are good, but if they are different from their own future, it is better not to rob such women.

Hearing this, Yang Cui was surprised: "Grandpa, are you going back now?"


Li Wei left soon, completely forgetting the promise that Yang Cui would live here.