Yang Cui desperately grasps the arm of the servant girl around her. The servant girl is wearing thin clothes. Yang Cui's sharp fingernails are pinched into the flesh of the little servant girl. The little girl frowns and says, "madam is in pain."

"The pain is right for the damned bitch, who dares to seduce my man. I will kill you."

The little servant girl saw Yang Cui's ferocious appearance. She was scared and couldn't move. She could only stand there obediently.

Yang Cui saw the little servant girl 's frightened appearance and was tired of sending people out.

Seeing his daughter's anger like this, Chen couldn't help frowning: "what's the matter?"

"Mother, I hate it."

"What's the matter? How did the son-in-law go? Didn't you say you'd like to stay here for a few days? " She's going to go out tomorrow to show off. Who knows that people left.

Speaking of this, Yang Cui was angry. "Niang, it's all the fault of ningmengyao's bitch."

"Well? What does it have to do with Ning Mengyao? " Chen asked with a strange frown.

Yang Cui clenched her lips and told Chen her plan.

Chen's face sank and he poked Yang Cui's head: "what kind of brain are you? You haven't fully let Li Wei care about you or a child. If you do such a thing, you will only let him break your favor. How can you be so stupid?"

This stupid daughter is really pissed off. If she did such a thing when she was pregnant, she would not say anything, but this girl did such a thing, which really pissed him off.

After seeing Li Wei's obsession with Ning Mengyao, Yang Cui regretted some things, and now she can't.

How did it become like this? She didn't think so much before, and now it's too late to regret.

"Mom, what should I do now?" Yang Cui asked uneasily.

"Now you know it's urgent? What did you do? " Chen's hate iron is not steel.


"Well, I know it's impossible for you to stop Li Wei now. He's already interested in Li Wei." Chen helps Yang Cui analyze.

Of course, Yang Cui also knows that she wants to know how to solve this problem now.

Chen thought for a moment and said, "let the people in the village know, but you have to say it from the perspective of a victim, understand?"

Yang Cui thinks about it a little and understands that in addition to making people in the village feel that Ning Mengyao is not in a good mood, Ning Mengyao will hate Li Wei and dislike him. In this way, she will not easily follow Li Wei. As long as she can get pregnant or get Li Wei's love again during this period of time, even if he wants Ning Mengyao to help himself, he can't be appreciated by Li Wei 。

Yang Cui nodded and agreed: "Mom will do that."

"Come with me now." Chen family leads Yang Cui out.

Since going out, Chen has been howling incessantly, saying that Ning Mengyao is not in a good mood and even seduces her son-in-law when she is engaged. Such a person is really a fox spirit.

Yang Cui is biting her lips. Her eyes are full of misty tears. She looks aggrieved. People who don't know think it's that way.

The people on the side watched them make a noise and couldn't help making a fuss: "you said that Mengyao seduced that son-in-law of your family. We are really curious. Today, we haven't seen Mengyao come to the village. How did she seduce your son-in-law?"

Chen's crying voice pauses for a while. For a while, I don't know what to say.

Yangcui on the side looked, worried about the bad things, hurriedly explained in a low voice: "Xianggong asked me to take him around, and later..."

Yang Cui didn't speak, but the words that she didn't finish were ambiguous.

It will make others think that Ning Mengyao deliberately came to the front of the two to seduce them.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't believe that Ning Mengyao would do such a thing.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang came to the village together to send some wild game to Yang Zhu's house. When they came, they heard someone saying something bad about her, and the voice was very familiar.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes were cold: "Yao Yao is with me all day today. You said she seduced your husband and brought out evidence."