Qiao Tianchang breaks away from Ning Mengyao and holds his hand, reaches out and hugs people tightly into his arms. He lowers his head and kisses her on her forehead: "I will always be so good to you."

"I believe you."

Ningmengyao's trust in Qiao Tianchang's whole heart made Lingluo feel embarrassed. What ningmengyao said, he can't do anything, and what qualification does he have to ask her?

"Lingluo, you have your own home. You shouldn't come here. Go back and don't come again." Ningmengyao's subordinates embrace Qiao Tianchang consciously, she looks at Lingluo's expression very seriously.

"So you don't want to see me?"

Ningmengyao nodded: "I don't want to cause any more murders, and there's nothing to say between us. Tianchang doesn't like you. I don't want to make him unhappy because of you."

Lingluo laughs at herself. It's for this man. For this man, she says such words.

"You think I will agree with him if you want to live a simple life here?" No one can think of what he can't get. It used to be like this. It's still like this. He has rights and status they don't have. It's easy to suppress them.

"Oh, let me see who this is. Isn't that Ling Luo who is going to be a father? Why do you come to see my brother and sister-in-law When Ning Mengyao wanted to refute, Xiao Qitian's voice sounded in their ears.

Then I saw Xiao Qitian come out of it with a smile of evil four.

Looking at the frozen expression of Lingluo, Joe Tianchang sneered.

"I met king Qi." It's true that Ling Luo has the right to be arrogant. But in front of Xiao Qitian, his arrogance is really nothing. You should know that Xiao Qitian is the most beloved brother of the emperor.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ling Luo lightly: "Lingluo, I don't care what my sister-in-law used to have to do with you, but now she is my brother's fiancee, and they are about to get married. You have heard my sister-in-law's words. If you let me know that you are tripping over them, then don't blame me for my face turning against you."

"Yes." Even though she didn't want to, Lingluo had to bite her teeth and agree.

Just because he can't do it doesn't mean other people can't.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Lingluo's unwilling appearance and said, "it's just a son of the world, not a marquis."

"It's Marquis, but it's higher than you." In front of Xiao Qitian, even if he is inferior, why should he be looked down upon by Qiao Tianchang.

Xiao Qitian looked at Ling Luo with a smile. "To tell you the truth, Tianchang's identity is much more noble than yours. You still want to know what to do and what not to do. When you save, you will lose more than gain when you get to the marquis."

No one can replace Qiao Tianchang's position in the court, even the prime minister can't compare with him, let alone a small Prince of the marquis.

"The son of the world, the princess of the world will be born." When Ling Luo couldn't get down to the stage, a figure suddenly flashed out and said anxiously in Ling Luo's ear.

Ling Luo frowns, the eyeground flashed obvious impatience, what does that woman want to do in the end.

During this period of time, she didn't do much of such things. As long as she stayed with several concubines for a long time, she would call him back with various excuses, and the common one was the baby in her stomach.


"Go back." Ling Luo takes a deep breath, turns around and gets on the horse to leave quickly. He doesn't even give Ning Mengyao a nostalgic look.

The people left behind saluted Xiao Qitian before leaving.

"Well, let's go in." Qiao Tianchang took a look at the back of their departure. In fact, sometimes their rights are very good, at least when necessary, they can be used to oppress people with power.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. It will be OK." Xiao Qitian's soothing smile.

They were dissatisfied when they heard ningmengyao talking to Lingluo, but they were relieved when they heard the last words of ningmengyao.

In fact, their relationship is very good. Even if there was something between ningmengyao and Lingluo before, what happened? That's all gone. Now it's Qiao Tianchang with her.

And they also believe that Joe Tianchang must have known the existence of Lingluo for a long time, so they don't have to worry about it.