Qiao Tianchang graciously pulls Ning Mengyao back to the house, and comes to find someone's trouble early in the morning, which is really not good.

After they sat down, people's eyes kept turning on them. Lin Ziyou finally said, "sister in law, can we ask you what's the relationship with Lingluo?"

Ningmengyao bit a bun and nodded: "well, I met him when I was ten years old. At that time, he was also very good to me. He taught me martial arts to help me build a house. Later, I followed an embroiderer to learn how to embroider. After that, I supported myself. We can both say that we are green plum and bamboo horse."

"And then?" Lin Ziyou is really curious.

"Later, he said he would marry me, which I thought was true. But last year, he was going to marry Xiao Zixuan, the princess of Prince Xiao's mansion. So he told me to be his wife. Later, I would burn the house in the capital and come here." Ningmengyao simply said something about Lingluo.

Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang know the identity of the owner of Ning Mengyao's tongbaozhai. I'm afraid she did so much for Lingluo, but the one with shallow eyelids didn't know anything, and said "flat wife".

According to their understanding of Ning Mengyao, this sentence is an insult to her. No wonder she will burn her house and leave the capital to come here.

Stay away from the noise so that she can have a safe life.

"Then how does he know you're here?"

"After cooperating with Qi Tian, Ling Luo knows that I can brew the wine sold in his restaurant." Lingluo knows that she is a wine taster, so it's easy to make wine. At the beginning, she didn't make these things in tongbaozhai. She was worried about being known by Lingluo. Now it seems that she was quite wise at the beginning.

Xiao Qitian picks eyebrows. At that time, she and Qiao Tianchang had already had feelings between them, so she didn't worry about Ling Luo's coming to see him. That's why she made wine and cooperated with him.

"What are your eyes?" See everyone with a strange look at her, Ning Mengyao gave a few people a look.

Lin Zi smiled anxiously: "sister-in-law, we are not worth it for you. You are so good. How can we meet such a person?"

Looking at Lin Ziyou's appearance of juggling, Ning Mengyao smiled: "who hasn't met so many bad guys in the world? And without it, I would not have been able to meet Tianchang. " This is also true.

As soon as they heard it, they also forgot about it.

It's Ning Mengyao who looks at all the men present and says with great emphasis: "the contacts that don't take marriage as the premise are all rogues. You don't want to be a scum man like others."

The forest that was drinking porridge worried about them. One of them couldn't help it, and the porridge gushed out: "I said sister-in-law, can we not talk about this?"

"Why not? You are going to get married sooner or later. " Ning Mengyao looks at them innocently, blinks the blank and innocent eyes.

Lin Zi is worried about his hand and his mouth. He looks like I'm shutting up.

They are in the barracks every day. What kind of wife are they? They are playing hooligans. Don't you know they are the most loyal soldiers? How can it be bad for a wife.

Looking at their shriveled appearance, Ning Mengyao is finally happy.

Ning Mengyao's sudden smile made Lin Zi worry about their anger: "how can you make fun of us, sister-in-law?"

Ning Mengyao blinked to show his innocence: "do I have it?"


The people on the edge haven't spoken yet, and Joe Tianchang has started to speak first, but the words he said let the people on the edge spray again.

"Boss, can you not be so good?" Lin Ziyou is not right to stay here these days. Their eldest brother has changed too much. Their naked show of love blinds their eyes.

"You can also find a wife to show love in front of us." Ningmengyao slowly ate the breakfast in front of her, smiling and saying that the leisurely appearance made the forest feel anxious and eager to slap itself.

What is he doing for himself? He promised that if he continued to say this, their sister-in-law would surely find them a woman to go home, and he didn't want to, OK?