Xiao Zixuan was demoted, Ning Mengyao and they still knew it after Xiao Qitian passed away.

This news is not a big deal for Ning Mengyao, but she thinks it's good, so Xiao Zixuan won't put too much energy on them.

"Is this a good way for me to deal with Mengyao?" Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

Ning Mengyao said nothing: "are you sure she won't come to my trouble in the end?"

"Isn't that good? There's an opportunity to clean her up In fact, Xiao Qitian knows that Ning Mengyao wants to do it by himself. This time, it's just for the sake of Xiao Wangfu. If there is another time, what will happen then is not something he can ask.

Ningmengyao raised her eyebrows slightly and nodded her head. If xiaozixuan hasn't been taught a lesson, she really doesn't mind giving her a lesson, but she doesn't know how many people will be involved.

"Mengyao, are you not angry?" Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao and asked.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qitian with a smile, naturally knowing his worry: "don't worry, I won't let you and your royal brother have trouble. You are Tianchang's brother." Because it is their brother, she is willing to give them face and help Qiao Tianchang to protect the country he likes.

Xiao Qitian listened to Ning Mengyao's saying, without any doubt, but relieved a lot: "so I am relieved."

As long as it doesn't involve Xiao Guo, he doesn't worry. What will happen to other people? What does it have to do with them? Of course not.

Lin Zi worried that they listened to their conversation strangely. No matter what they thought, they thought it was strange. The words between them were really strange.

"Mengyao, are you ready for your wedding?" Xiao Qitian looks at both of them curiously, and immediately changes the topic.

"Well, it's all right. I have a few friends coming." Think of those few people, Ning Mengyao can't help swallowing saliva, don't know if they will die especially miserable after they come?

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao with a smile and doesn't know why. He always feels that she is afraid.

Fortunately, Xiao Qitian didn't ask directly, or he might be kicked out by Ning Mengyao.

With the time of getting married getting closer and closer, Ning Mengyao is more and more worried. Should those guys be coming soon?

"What's the matter with you?" Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but wonder at Ning Mengyao's trance like expression. The girl was out of shape every day half a month ago and looked at the door from time to time. He wanted to be a strong man.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang sadly: "Tianchang you How is your martial arts? "

"Very well." Qiao Tianchang is very confident about this.

"Then I'll rest assured." Ning Mengyao patted her chest and said reassuringly.

"Why, Xiaoyao, do you know how to be afraid?" When Qiao Tian asked why, there was a sound of cruelty outside.

At that sound, Ning Mengyao's body was completely stiff. When he turned his head, Ning Mengyao himself heard the sound.

Seeing the handsome men and beautiful women at the door, Ning Mengyao looked up at Qiao Tianchang and said, "Tianchang, shall we run?" These guys are not human.

"Xiaoyao, if you dare to run with your man, believe it or not, will you let us do it?" The head of the beauty pick eyebrows, not salty not light mouth.

Qiao Tianchang turned to look at the door. There were four people in total, three women and one man. What he was talking about was a charming woman who was a little exposed, but with a very good figure.

"Yaoyao is OK. Don't worry." I'm afraid these four people are the four masters of tongbaozhai?

"As expected, my uncle is more reasonable." The seductive woman came in with people, and there were many people behind to help take things.

Ningmengyao is stared at by four people and eight eyes. Her scalp is a bit numb: "how are you coming?"

"Why don't you marry us? Don't we come until your children are born? " The woman asked with a smile.

Ningmengyao wanted to cry without tears. She knew she had already recruited her own. Now, she is done.