"I don't mean that," said Ning Mengyao, looking at them hard

"Then tell us what you mean, and let's play and disappear without a word. If Uncle Jiang didn't find you, we still don't know that scum bullied you. Can you make some progress?" The seductive woman looks at Ning Mengyao as if she hates iron but not steel.

This girl is really a fool. She was bullied even with their support. She is the one who lost them.

"Sister Mei, don't be angry. In fact, I don't think it's bad. At least because of him, I met Tianchang. Tianchang is very good, really." Ning Mengyao said looking at the woman.

She knew that they couldn't stand her like that.

Sure enough, after hearing that Ning Mengyao called sister Mei, the woman's face was helpless: "you little girl, don't you introduce it to us?" As for whether it is very good or not, it will be known after they have tried.

"Tianchang is Mei Ruolin, Mei's sister. The one in blue is muxue, and the one in Muchen. At last, the one who looks like a little girl, situ Xuan, Mei's sister is Qiao Tianchang." Ning Mengyao introduces herself to the four.

Mu Xue and Mu Chen go to Qiao Tianchang's front: "what qualification do you have to stand beside Xiao Yao er?" "Do you have any qualifications? It doesn't matter if you say so." Even if these people are Yao Yao's relatives, we can't question his love for Yao.

Muchen picked up her eyebrows. Her face was as warm as jade, and suddenly became cruel: "is it? Then I'll see what you bring with her. " Finish saying suddenly, attack Qiao Tianchang's dead point.

Qiao Tianchang pushes Ning Mengyao to the side, which makes him dodge the attack of Muchen.

"Kung Fu is pretty good." Muchen sneers.

When they knew that Ning Mengyao was going to marry, they almost died of anger. They were still wondering if they were going to marry Ling Luo. They found out later that Ning Mengyao had already left the capital, and Ling Luo had already got a wife and would soon have children.

This is a great shame for them, so they don't worry about Ning Mengyao. They are afraid that Ning Mengyao will be bullied again.

Chong meiruolin takes a look, nods, pretends to fall, and bumps Ning Mengyao, who is paying close attention to them, into the middle of the two.

After the attack of Muchen, Qiao Tianchang was scared to rush Ning Mengyao to the middle of his arms. Then he turned around and blocked Muchen's attack with his body.

"Poof." In order to protect Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang didn't resist. The result was serious injury.

Meiruolin was satisfied as soon as they saw it.

Qiao Tianchang could have avoided, but he didn't. He was seriously injured for Ning Mengyao.

"Tianchang, are you ok?" When Ning Mengyao saw Qiao Tianchang spitting blood, he was flustered.

He reached out and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. Qiao Tianchang held the frightened Ning Mengyao in his arms: "don't worry, I'll be fine soon."

"Green frost, come and have a look." Ningmengyao didn't believe him, so he called Qingshuang. Qingshuang saw it and said it was an internal injury, so he had to take good care of it before he could rest assured.

"You are too much." She didn't think it was an accident. It must have been their calculation.

Mei Ruolin looks at Ning Mengyao angrily: "Yao'er, you are the treasure in our palms. We can say that we grew up watching you. We didn't like Lingluo because you liked us and didn't say anything, but later he abandoned you for power. Now you say that Qiao Tianchang is very good. We don't believe that we don't try it ourselves."

"Ruolin is right. We don't believe it at all. So we need to see who cares more when you and his life are threatened, and we are very satisfied with his response." Situ Xuan nodded and said what she thought.

In the scene just now, Qiao Tianchang can dodge, but the consequence is that Ning Mengyao is seriously injured. If it is true, even if Ning Mengyao wants to marry him, they will not agree with it, and they will take people away directly.

Qiao Tianchang frowned discontentedly: "I don't want you to test me with her life."