Ningmengyao didn't have the time to refute Yang Lele's words at all. She grabbed the chopsticks and ate with a big mouth. After eating half of them, she slowed down.

"Slow down, and more." Mu Xue and they look at Ning Mengyao with some heartache. Fortunately, Qiao Tianchang is careful. Otherwise, the girl will be hungry and stick her front chest to her back.

Ning Mengyao blinked and swallowed the food: "I'm hungry."

After worshipping the hall, Qiao Tianchang took the cover and then she wanted to say that she was hungry, but she was embarrassed because there were too many people. Fortunately, Yang Lele and her family knew to send her some food, or they would be really hungry and faint in the new house.

"Then eat it." Bathe snow they cry smile not to say.

Even if Joe Tianchang had been tested before, they were still worried. Just now, they were completely relieved.

Just now, when they uncovered the cover, they saw that Qiao Tianchang saw Ning Mengyao as possessive and obsessed.

From Qiao Tianchang's eyes, they can see his feelings for ningmengyao, which is true. They are willing to give ningmengyao to him.

Outside, Qiao Tianchang wanted to go back to the room to accompany Ning Mengyao. Who knows that Yufeng and they don't know how to talk about Xiao Qitian and they don't help themselves, but they go to drink with those guys. It seems that they just want to get him drunk, so that he can't get married.

Qiao Tianchang was angry, and gave full play to the ability of men to drink. He even put all the people who poured his wine on the table directly there.

Qiao Tianchang's head was already confused when he stood up shakily.

"Stop and don't go. Keep drinking."

Qiao Tianchang is startled by the sudden voice. He turns his head subconsciously. Isn't he still drunk? He can't drink.

However, when he turned his head to look at the past, he saw that Yufeng roared and fell asleep on the table holding the wine jar.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Tianchang was relieved at last, and walked towards the new house after shaking his dizzy head.

When he came to the door, Qingxue brought him a bowl of sobering soup: "let's have some sobering soup."

When he finished drinking the sobering soup with a bowl, Joe Tianchang entered the new house. He really didn't want to drink with that group of guys.

When Ning Mengyao heard the door open, she looked up and saw Qiao Tianchang coming in with a red face and a smell of wine.

"How much wine did you drink?" Ningmengyao hurried to help him and let him lie in bed.

Just ready to pick up some water for him to scrub, just turned around and was dragged down by Joe Tianchang on the bed, lying on his body.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao. His eyes don't blink, as if he is looking at some rare treasure.

"We don't seem to be drinking." He got up from the bed, took two glasses of wine on one side of the table and put them in Ning Mengyao's hand. They crossed their hands and drank the wine.

"Go and wash it. It smells terrible." I don't know how much I drank.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and hugged Ning Mengyao: "you will accompany me to wash together in a moment, not now." Then he picked up the man, went to the bedside, swept the mess on the bed to the ground, and then put the man on the bed.

"Yao Yao"

"en?" As soon as Ning Mengyao looked up, he saw the magnified face in front of her. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her nose was full of alcohol.

The smell seemed to make her a little drunk.

Ning Mengyao didn't know when her clothes were torn off. She only knew that when she found them, they were lying on the bed naked.

Pain, this is the only feeling of Ning Mengyao, tight frown, eyes full of mist, make Qiao Tianchang extremely distressed.

"It's all right." One kiss on Ning Mengyao's face, trying to make her forget the pain.

It turns out to be insane.

All night long, Qiao Tianchang seemed to be indefatigable. Even though he knew that she was tired, he couldn't help it. At last, in the early morning, he released Ning Mengyao, who was really not tired. He went to the bath behind him, helped to clean it, and changed the quilt on the bed. Then he put people on the bed and hugged her for a good night.