There was no elder in their family, so ningmengyao didn't want to get up early in the morning to offer tea and so on, so she slept sweet in Qiao Tianchang's arms.

Qiao Tianchang wakes up just at dawn. He just can't bear to see the sleeping face of the man in his arms. He just looks at Ning Mengyao with such a burning eyes. Under his eyes, she can sleep so sweet that Qiao Tianchang can't help laughing.

When they woke up in the morning, they found that they had been drowned by the bridegroom alone yesterday, and their faces turned black. So many of them had not drunk a single person? This is a disgrace.

So they all gathered and came to the door of their room. At this time, they couldn't even get up. This made Muchen and Yufeng have acid bubbles in their hearts. Their beloved sister was turned away.

Yufeng and Muchen have a look at each other. They knock at the door at the same time: "get up, when is it? Still sleeping."

When the knock sounded, Ning Mengyao kept drilling her head into Qiao Tianchang's arms, trying to isolate the annoying voice.

Qiao Tianchang reached out to help her cover her ears, so as not to let the voice reach her ears.

After waiting for her to go to sleep again, Qiao Tianchang put on his clothes and went out with a long black face.

"Do you cry for souls?" One morning, I don't sleep here and make noise.

"How about Xiaoyao?" Yufeng looks behind him.

Qiao Tianchang's face suddenly looked ugly: "what are you doing with my daughter-in-law? Now of course she's sleeping. "

"You beast, how did you toss Xiaoyao yesterday?" Yufeng jumps at once. They know that Xiaoyao gets up very early every day, but she hasn't got up yet. When has it been tossed?

Qiao Tianchang closed the door and looked at Yufeng scornfully: "you mean me? Do you dare to say that you didn't upset your daughter-in-law when you married? "

Yufeng choked and couldn't speak, because when he married meiruolin, meiruolin got out of bed for two days. At last, he was beaten. He didn't seem to be qualified to say this guy.

Looking at Yu Feng's expression like constipation, Qiao Tianchang smiled scornfully: "you have done such things yourself, why do you say I am?"

"Hahaha." Muchen was still bubbling with acid in her heart. I could hear the conversation between them, especially the constipation of Yufeng. I couldn't help laughing.

It's really funny. He can't help but laugh at the thought of what happened two days after he married Merlin.

"Why didn't you laugh?" Said Yu Feng, gnashing his teeth.

Muchen takes back her smile: "don't worry if you die, I won't die."

Qiao Tianchang didn't have the time to listen to their nonsense here.

"Stay by." Joe Tianchang pushes them away and heads for the kitchen.

Everyone was curious to see him enter the kitchen, including Xiao Qitian and them from behind.

Standing at the kitchen door, looking at Qiao Tianchang cooking porridge, and taking flour for dessert, I suddenly felt mysterious. There was only one idea in their mind, so he could really cook.

That skillful action is not the first time to cook.

Yu Feng smelled the fragrance and couldn't help asking, "is there ours?"

"No." Qiao Tianchang, who is making snacks, will not answer when he hears Yu Feng's words.

He only cooks for his daughter-in-law. They are not his own daughter-in-law. Why do they cook for them?

"Well, we are Yao'er's brother and brother-in-law." Yufeng is not satisfied. This guy is too mean.

Qiao Tianchang put the dessert in the self-made oven beside him, and then turned around: "that's not good, I only cook for my daughter-in-law and my future children." Other people are beautiful to them.

Yufeng and Muchen still have some complaints, but their eyes are full of smiles. With Qiao Tianchang's pet, her life will be very good.

Although I think so, just after Ning Mengyao woke up, Yufeng and Muchen still put eye drops on Qiao Tianchang in front of her, saying that he didn't even give them food to eat. They just wanted to abuse them.

Ning Mengyao drank Qiao Tianchang's porridge and said, "you are being abused slowly."