The following people frowned and looked at Qiao Tianyu: "but it's easy to provoke the third young master. If he knows that we did it then, I'm afraid he will not cooperate with us, but will deal with us in turn."

"Qiao Tianyu sneers:" this also needs him to be able to know

"I'll do it now."


He was the only one left in the room very soon. Qiao Tianyu's eyes gradually became deep. As long as Qiao Tianchang returned to the capital, he had a way to make Qiao Tianchang have to cooperate with him.

He has the confidence to do it.

Soon, the people who came with Qiao Tianyu knew the place where Qiao Tianchang lived under their deliberate leakage of information.

Without too much stay, they left Qiao Tianyu and went to the place where Qiao Tianchang lived.

Looking at the delicate yard in front of them, they all didn't believe Qiao Tianchang, who seemed to be a machine, would marry.

If the general knew the news, he would be furious? After all, he also wants to use the marriage of the third young master to improve the status of the Qiao family.

Push the door open, please don't enter. Qiao Tianchang's face turned gloomy for a moment after seeing several people who broke into the door, which was even worse than when he saw Qiao Tianyu.

"Third young master, please come back to Beijing." As if I didn't see Joe Tianchang's gloomy face, I respectfully said.

"Qingxuan, can you throw them all out?" He didn't want to do it to these people, it would only dirty his hands.

"Yes." Qingxuan replied, and then the man had come to the passer-by and kicked them out without any hands.

"Third young master, please come back to Beijing."

Qiao Tianchang walked to the door and looked down at the people lying on the ground. He sneered and said: "if you want to die, you can stay. I know what Qiao Zhenghong means. But he made a wrong decision. I have nothing to do with Qiao Zhenghong for a long time. This is what everyone knew in Jinluan Hall three years ago. Don't be shameless. Do it again, not again It's easy to throw it out. " Joe Tianchang turned and left, ignoring their haze.

"What about the head now?" The person on the side watched Qiao Tianchang close the door and asked with some worry.

"Don't the third young master care about his wife very much? Take his wife, and I don't believe he won't go back. " Said the leader with a sneer.

They came here today just to inform Qiao Tianchang, not to ask his opinion.

"However, the third young master is not easy to provoke, and the one named Qingxuan." The people on the side are worried. The martial arts called Qingxuan are superior to them, and there are three young masters. No matter how many times they are, they are not his opponents.

He put out his hand and slapped the speaker on the head. He said, "are you a fool or something?" Don't they know how to distract them?

As long as the two are distracted, the rest is not a problem. What we need to do now is to lead Qiao Tianchang and Qingxuan out, and this matter needs to go back to a long-term plan.

"Let's go back first."

Qiao Tianchang went back to the yard and held Ning Mengyao in his arms. "Yao Yao must take Qingxuan with him no matter where he goes from today. Understand?" He was very worried about the safety of Ning Mengyao.

"Don't worry, I know you."

Ning Mengyao also saw the scene just now. Those people seemed to be very respectful to Qiao Tianchang, but they didn't take Qiao Tianchang seriously.

I'm afraid they'll go back and find a way to catch themselves.

That's why he was so worried.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and hugged Ning Mengyao tightly in his arms: "I won't let you hurt. No matter what happens today, Qingxuan won't leave Yaoyao's side."

"It's my uncle." They are not stupid either. Naturally, they know what Joe Tianchang means.

Qingshuang squints and thinks, turns back to her room, and comes out with some bottles and cans in her hand.

"Miss, you have these things with you for a rainy day."