Even if they can guard the young lady all day, there will be accidents. If the young lady accidentally leaves the list, she will be in trouble. So she has to be ready for everything.

Ningmengyao is holding the bottle in her hand and is helpless: "I can't go anywhere with these things, can I?"

"Don't worry, miss. I'm ready." He said and took out some other things. Those are jewelry, but the middle of those jewelry is empty.

Qingshuang puts the powder in the bottle into the jewelry, explains to ningmengyao what the powder is used for, and prepares several antidotes and healing drugs for ningmengyao.

Qiao Tianchang was relieved to see that Qingshuang was so well prepared. Even if ningmengyao was taken away, he would not be worried about his life: "Yaoyao must take these things with him."

"I see." Fortunately, these things have no weight, and Ning Mengyao has no rejection.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and hugged Ning Mengyao tightly: "don't let me worry."

"Don't worry, I'll wear it all the time."


A group of people went back from Qiao Tianchang and found Qiao Tianyu. Qiao Mo looked at him with no respect. Instead, he said in an ordered tone, "you have to find a way to lead the third young master out."

Qiao Tianyu's eyes flickered slightly, then nodded, "I know how to do it."

Jomer nodded contentedly: "good, then I'll wait for your news."


When Qiao Tianyu tries to find a way, Qiao Mo is also preparing. As long as Qiao Tianchang is successfully led out, their people will lead Qingxuan out at the same time. In this way, they will have the chance to take ningmengyao away and bring it back to the capital.

Qiao Tianyu's smile was satirical. They did it. Even if Qiao Tianchang wanted revenge, it would not be counted on his head. However, what he didn't know was that people were not as good as heaven.

After Qiao Tianyu left the tavern, he found an opportunity to find Qiao Tianchang, pretending that he didn't know the news that those people had come.

"What are you doing here?" Qiao Tianchang is impatient with Qiao Tianyu.

"I want to work with you." Qiao Tianyu is still that sentence.

Qiao Tianchang squints at Qiao Tianyu. He always feels something is wrong.

"I've said for a long time that I'm not interested. You don't have to come back to me." Then he turned back to the house.

When Qiao Tianchang turned his back to him, Qiao Tianyu slapped him out.

Feeling the crisis coming from behind, Qiao Tianchang subconsciously turned around and hit Qiao Tianyu with one hand.

The fishy smell in his throat filled Qiao Tianyu's eyes with haze. Today's revenge will be rewarded.

Qiao Tianyu recklessly started at Qiao Tianchang. It looked like he was crazy. His expression was ferocious.

"In that case, go to hell and kill him." Qiao Tianyu said to the people around him.

The people around him are all his people. Naturally, they listen to his orders. At the same time, they start to fight against Qiao Tianchang at the same time.

It's hard to fight with two fists and four hands. Although Qiao Tianchang's martial arts are very high, he also suffered some minor injuries.

The green Xuan inside heard the fighting, frowned slightly, and his face changed. As soon as he was going out, he stopped. What if this was their way? Just to lead them away.

"Qingxuan, you go out to help Tianchang. I'll be fine here." The fight outside, Ning Mengyao also heard, she worried about Qiao Tianchang will have an accident.

Qingxuan looks at ningmengyao and is embarrassed: "Miss......"

"Don't worry about me. Go ahead. It's at home. What can happen?" Ning Mengyao's smile was relaxed, but not at all.

Qingxuan thought it was the same thing, so he went out to help Qiao Tianchang. At this time, some people in black came from nowhere. They killed Qiao Tianchang as if they wanted his life.

Qiao Tianchang and Qingxuan lean on their backs and look at the people around them coldly.

"Is his pen really big enough to kill me? I'll see what he can do. " Joe snorted in the cold.

They started at the same time. From time to time, some people died and others were injured, including Qiao Tianchang and Qingxuan.