The fighting sound outside is more and more obvious, and Ning Mengyao is more and more worried about it. She wants to go out to have a look, and is afraid to make trouble for Qiao Tianchang and other two people. Qingshuang and Qingzhu are all around Ning Mengyao and surround her in the middle.

Qingshuang doesn't hate it. He should call more people with high martial arts to come here. They won't suffer from enemies like this.

He reached out and patted Qingshuang's hand: "it will be OK."

Suddenly Qingshuang's face changed: "shut up, miss."

Ningmengyao had no time to ask anything, so she fainted. So did Mrs Qin and other people beside her. Only Qingshuang was still awake.

Just as she was about to turn her head, someone knocked a knife on her back neck, and the whole person passed out in a flash.

Joe Mo looks at Ning Mengyao, who faints on the table. He lifts people up without any pity and disappears into Qiao Tianchang's courtyard.

When Qiao Tianchang and Qingxuan came back with their injuries, they turned pale when they saw the faint Qingshuang, especially when they did not find ningmengyao.

"Damn it." Qiao Tianchang put his hand to his mouth and whistled. Then the eagle flew down from the sky and landed on Qiao Tianchang's arm.

Qiao Tianchang wrote a note back to his study and asked Xinying to send it to Xiao Qitian and Leian to send them news and let them come at once.

"Qingxuan, you look at them at home. I'll go after them immediately."

"Don't worry, my uncle."

Qiao Tianchang got on his horse and quickly headed for the town, but when he found the place, Qi Tianyu and them had left.

After receiving the news, Xiao Qitian's face changed and entered the palace with a letter from Qiao Tianchang.

"Take someone to meet you, and make sure that ningmengyao is safe." After Xiao Qifeng saw it, his face changed slightly. Qiao Zhenghong wanted to drive their husband and wife crazy?

It's ok if nothing happens. If anything happens Xiao Qifeng can't imagine what Qiao Tianchang and his wife will do.

"I know brother Huang. I'll do it right away." There are only one or two roads to the capital. He can always block people.

At the same time, Lei An and Lin Ziyou also received the news and took them to the round with Qiao Tianchang.

"How can the eldest sister-in-law be captured?" Lin Ziyou asked anxiously.

"They want to use your sister-in-law to force me to go back and find out immediately which way they are going." Joe looked at the front coldly.

Since they want to go back by themselves so much, he will go back, just don't know if they can bear their anger at that time.


After they left, Qiao Tianchang clenched his hands into a fist. Yao Yao must be OK.

Ningmengyao gradually woke up in the shaking of the carriage, but her body was not strong enough, the whole person was soft, and she could not even sit up.

"Wake up." A familiar but strange voice sounded in my ear.

Ningmengyao turned to look at the past, is Qiao Tianyu: "why do you want to catch me."

"According to your cleverness, it should be clear that you don't deserve Joe Tianchang. We took you back only to use you to bring him here." She also has the effect of Ruan Jing powder, so Qiao Tianyu is not worried about Ning Mengyao's unusual behavior at all.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianyu and closes her eyes to think about how to save herself.

When they were heading for the capital, they always watched Xiao Zixuan of Ning Mengyao sneer and make a sound. It's really heaven help me.

I wrote a letter and asked someone to send it back to Prince Xiao's residence.

Xiao Yilin sighed at the letter from her daughter, and finally did what she wanted.

In ningmengyao, when they were only a day away from the capital, a large number of people in black with all their murderous spirit blocked them.

They looked dignified and began to fight with each other. Ning Mengyao was a little strange. Who was it? It was such a big battle.

When she was curious, Qiao Tianyu flashed out and joined the battle. Soon, the horse in the horse drawn carriage suddenly neighed and began to run quickly.

The bumpy carriage made ningmengyao frown tightly. She was still weak and unable to help herself.