Instinctively, Ning Mengyao held out her feeble hand and grabbed the window edge. Although she tried to balance her body in the car, she finally threw people to one side and hit the carriage because of the turbulence of the horse.

Pain, let Ning Mengyao can't help frowning, suddenly think of the pill Qingshuang prepared for her.

With great effort, she stretched her hand to her neck and pulled out a small brocade bag. Ning Mengyao reached out to open it and just took out the pills inside.

The carriage seems to have hit a big stone. The carriage shakes again. The brocade bag in Ning Mengyao's hand falls into the carriage and the pills inside roll out.

Ningmengyao reached for the pill with her body on her back. She had to find a way to help herself. However, it seemed to her that it was just a luxury.

The carriage seemed to be against her. Whenever she was about to find the pills, the carriage was bumpy and the pills rolled to another place.

When Qiao Tianyu saw the crazy carriage, he had a bad premonition in his heart. He wanted to get away from it and save people, but he was caught by the man in black just before he left.

For a while, he also understood that the purpose of these people in black is to die. If Ning Mengyao dies in the hands of these people, regardless of whether they are related to them or not, Qiao Tianchang will definitely find them in trouble.

In Qiao Tianyu's mind, the two carriages ran into the trees on the side. Seeing this, Qiao Tianyu thought that there was only one feeling in his mind, that was the end.

When the carriage hit the tree, the carriage was torn apart, and Ning Mengyao in the carriage was thrown away for a long time, and her back also hit the trunk hard.

Pain, this is the only feeling of ningmengyao now, she feels really good pain.

Subconsciously, she put out her hand to cover her stomach. Ning Mengyao's face turned pale and her head was covered with sweat.

The bloody smell gradually filled the tip of ningmengyao's nose, which made ningmengyao panic, as if something had left her.

The injury on the back of the eyes without the pain on the stomach, Ning Mengyao's face was abnormally ugly, and her dress was gradually stained red by blood.

Looking from a distance, Qiao Tianyu saw pig run even though he had not eaten pork. He knew what the situation was.

When Xiao Qitian arrived with others, he saw Ning Mengyao lying under the tree with a pale face, and his clothes and skirts had been dyed red with blood.

"Go and have a look." Fortunately, some of the accompanying people are good at medical skills, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Xiao Qitian's side came to Ning Mengyao's side to help her feel her pulse, and his face suddenly changed: "the prince must send his wife back to Beijing immediately."

"What's the matter?"

"Madame has miscarried."

Xiao Qitian's eyes widened, and he stepped back subconsciously. He couldn't believe looking at his subordinates: "are you sure? Have you checked it out? "

"Yes, my wife is nearly a month pregnant. Now..."

This did not finish, but Xiao Qitian also knew what he meant: "you first try to help her stop bleeding, and then immediately escort her back to the palace, in addition, no one here can let go, all take back."

Now Ning Mengyao is still in a coma. If she knows that the child is gone, she doesn't know what she will become, and Qiao Tianchang.

After he married Ning Mengyao, he showed that he wanted to have a child more than once. He said that their home was perfect after they had children.

Now the child is unaware because these people are gone. He doesn't need to think about what will happen to Qiao's family and the people behind these people in black.

He can't let these people escape, or he won't be able to explain to Joe Tianchang at that time.

It's his fault to be late. If he had been earlier, things might not have come to this point.

"It's the Lord." After Qiao Tianchang informed Xiao Qitian, he took his own dark guard to drive in this direction, without any delay, who ever thought it would be a step slower.

Those people in black, Xiao Qitian's dark guard, soon fell into the downwind, and those people, knowing that they were not their opponents, took poison to commit suicide.