Xiao Qitian's eyes are full of haze. It seems that the identity of these people is a little suspicious. They are well-trained, not like killers, but like dead men or dark guards.

It's just that he's very strange who hates Ning Mengyao so much. He even sent dark Wei to kill her: "send someone to find out who the main messenger is behind her. In a day, my king will know the result."

"It's the Lord."

Qiao Tianyu and his party were caught by Xiao Qitian's people and taken away directly. Qiao Tianyu regretted that they were going to carry the black pot.

"Go back."

Take ningmengyao back to the palace with a whip. Xiao Qitian sends someone to the palace to call for the royal doctor. Then he makes sure that ningmengyao's situation is stable and there is no worry about his life. Then he enters the palace.

Xiao Qitian looked at his brother with a headache: "brother, you're done."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Qifeng has never seen his younger brother look like this.

"I found Mengyao, but her condition is not very good." Not only bad, it's just bad. There are many bruises on the body. The most serious one is because of too much blood loss.

If they go a little later, he doesn't dare to think about what they will become in the end.

Xiao Qifeng put the pen in his hand on the pen holder and looked at his brother with serious expression: "what's going on? You make it clear. "

"Mengyao's child is gone. I dare not send a letter to tell Tianchang now." Xiao Qitian wants to cry without tears. Qiao Tianchang will know that it's just a matter of time.

Xiao Qifeng frowned: "can you find out who moved his hand?" It's not enough for Qiao Tianyu to bring people back. I'm afraid there are others involved.

Xiao Qitian pressed his lips tightly, and said after a long time: "it has nothing to do with our good uncle Wang. Those people are all dark guards in his mansion."

"Tell Tianchang the news together with ningmengyao's story." Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian and orders.

He thought that after Qiao Tianchang knew these things, he would definitely return. After Ning Mengyao woke up to know the news, it's not hard to guess what would happen. Now what they have to do is to make the fire not burn on them or Xiao Guolai.

He was really worried that Ning Mengyao would lose his mind and involve innocent people when he knew the news.

"I see. When he comes back, Mengyao wakes up. I'm afraid there will be a bloodbath in the capital." Xiao Qitian sighed heavily. The Qiao family and the Lord Xiao's residence can't get rid of this incident, which is more or less related to the Lord Ling's residence. Whether they can get rid of this incident depends on their mood.

Xiao Qifeng doesn't care about this at all. As long as it doesn't involve them, it doesn't matter. After all, he has too much indulgence in the Lord Xiao's mansion these years. It's time to give some lessons.

Xiao Qitian didn't stay in the palace for long. When he came back from the palace, he sent a letter to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang, who is heading for the capital city, glared at the news with his eyes full of blood red. He knew that the situation was not very good.

"Is there something wrong with the young lady?" The green frost that followed them saw Qiao Tianchang's ferocious eyes, blood red eyes, as if he were a ghost, and their hearts thumped. What happened to the young lady?

Lin Zi worries that they have never seen Qiao Tianchang like this, and they are worried about him.

"Boss, are you ok?"

"No more." Qiao Tianchang whispered in a low voice with loss, pain and crazy anger.

Hearing this, all the people on the scene tensed up: "boss, you Don't scare us. What's going on? " He said no? What the hell is it? Is it sister-in-law? Bah, what is he thinking about.

"The child is gone." He has been looking forward to the birth of their children, but now he tells him that the children he is looking forward to when they do not know, because those people are gone?

Lin Zi worried that they were frightened. The eldest brother meant that his sister-in-law was pregnant, but now she miscarried.

This news makes Lin Zi worry about them. No wonder Qiao Tianchang's expression is so frightening.

"Ziyou wrote me a letter to the emperor, saying that I would return to the court."