Lin Zi shrunk his neck and hurriedly ran to one side to help write a letter. It's really over. What kind of person is their boss? They are very clear.

It seems that those who hurt their sister-in-law are going to be unlucky.

Green frost they look at Qiao Tianchang that appearance, in the heart is also hate not to be able: "Uncle we have to hurry to see the young lady."

"Well, let's go." Qiao Tianchang nods. He just wants to see ningmengyao now. As for those people, what they owe them always needs to be paid back. He doesn't mind waiting.

A group of people rushed to the capital.

Before they came to Beijing, Xiao Qifeng received Qiao Tianchang's news. When he said that he would return to the court, Xiao Qifeng was not happy at all, but worried. He didn't know what Qiao Tianchang would do.

Now I just know that he looks like this. If he saw the scars on Ning Mengyao's whole body, he didn't know how extreme it would be.

Understand that Qiao Tianchang is like him, and clearly understand that Qiao Tianchang regards ningmengyao as his salvation, and that he has heard Qi Tian say that he expects his children.

He reached out and rubbed some tired eyebrows and hearts. No matter what, this matter must be explained to their husband and wife, or it will not be finished.

It was midnight when Qiao Tianchang arrived at the gate of qiwangfu. Knowing that he had come back, Xiao Qitian came to find him.

"Tianchang is sorry, it's my negligence." Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang's dead grey eyes and feels guilty.

Looking at Xiao Qitian, Qiao Tianchang said quietly, "it doesn't matter. It's none of your business."

He is very clear that this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Qitian. He also knows that if it was not for him to go in time, maybe even Yaoyao would not be able to protect it. How could he blame him?

"I want to see Yao Yao." Joe Tianchang said hoarsely.

Xiao Qitian takes Qiao Tianchang to the courtyard where Ning Mengyao lives: "she is still in a coma."

"What's the matter?"

"Qiao Tianyu and others were afraid that she would run away. They used too much soft tendons. Maybe that's why Mengyao couldn't help herself." Xiao Qitian knows that ningmengyao knows some martial arts, but she can't help herself. It can be imagined how much soft muscle powder they have used for her.

Joe Tianchang clutched tightly and his eyes were full of anger.

"Qingshuang, come with me."

"It's my uncle."

When they entered the room together, they saw Ning Mengyao lying on the bed with a pale face, covered with a thin quilt and some abrasions on her face, especially on her forehead, which was covered with white gauze.

"Qingshuang, show it to Yaoyao." Joe Tianchang's hands trembled slightly. Seeing her lying in silence, Joe Tianchang's heart ached. He would never let go of anyone who dared to hurt her. Those who hurt their children were not destined for the world. He wanted to make those people's lives worse than death.

Qingshuang goes to the bedside to check for ningmengyao. Looking at the bruises on her body, Qiao Tianchang's heart aches. It's his fault. If he is a little faster, he won't become what he is now.

The smell of smell and sweetness in his throat was suppressed by Joe Tianchang, but the blood on the corner of his mouth still let people know that his situation is not very good.

Qingshuang looked up and saw the blood on the corner of Qiao Tianchang's mouth. His face changed: "uncle."

"I'm ok. Show Yao Yao first." Qiao Tianchang wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and looked at Ning Mengyao in bed.

Qingshuang had some complaints, but after seeing Qiao Tianchang like this, the complaints in her heart disappeared, but she was extremely worried.

After a careful examination of Ning Mengyao's baby, Qingshuang said: "the former doctor has already treated the wound on the young lady's body, and it's good to keep it. As for the wound on her face, I have the ointment to remove the scar here. After the scar is formed, it's gone to wipe it. It's just that the young lady's body is seriously injured this time, so she needs good care." Otherwise, it will be very difficult to conceive in the future. Qingshuang didn't tell Qiao Tianchang, but Qiao Tianchang can guess more or less.

"I see. Get out."

"I'll show you, sir."