Just now he thought that the boss wanted them to get Xiao Zixuan's children out, and then Now it seems that he thinks more.

"I'll do it well for the boss, just for my sister-in-law..." Lin Zi looks at Qiao Tianchang worried. Does he really want to hide his sister-in-law like this? Now she knows it, but she doesn't know what it will be.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "Yaoyao's body is not very good. Previously, in order to make her have no way to escape, Qiao Tianyu gave her overmuch medicine and soft muscle powder. She hurt her body and needs good cultivation. I will tell her when she is better."

"Boss, don't keep it from your sister-in-law for a long time, or she will know, but it's not good."

"I know how to do things."

After Lin Ziyou left, Xiao Qitian came in, followed by Xiao Qifeng.

"Tianchang, you are back."


Qiao Tianchang has no extra words. Xiao Qifeng is helpless, but he has no way but to look at her worried: "Tianchang are you ok?"

"It's OK, but I won't let go of those three." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng and seems to tell him what he thinks.

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "I know that in these years, uncle Huang and Lingwu's mansion have a big heart. It's good to take this opportunity to crush them."


Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to tangle too much on this issue now. In his heart, only revenge.

"Tianchang, I hope you can persuade Mengyao. No matter how you deal with the three families, I have no opinion." Xiao Qifeng is the king of a country. He can feel Qiao Tianchang's pain, but he can't ignore everything of Xiao country.

"Well, I know. I didn't tell her about it. She's not in good health and needs rest." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng with no expression on his face.

Xiao Qifeng was stunned and lowered his eyes: "I'm sorry."

"If it's OK, I'll go back to my room." Qiao Tianchang doesn't see anyone now. He just wants to be quiet.

Xiao Qifeng had no choice but to leave with Xiao Qitian. When he got to the gate of the yard, he turned around and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "the general's office of the town has been cleaned up. You and Mengyao can stay at any time."


Qiao Tianchang's refusal of people thousands of miles away, Xiao Qifeng was not angry, just shook his head and left.

He had never seen Qiao Tianchang so decadent.

This is the first time to see it, but this time it made her a little bit surprised.

Xiao Qitian followed Xiao Qifeng's back: "don't meddle in this matter, brother Huang."

"Brother Huang knows." This time, someone is bound to pay a price. Only when their husband and wife get along with each other, they will be OK.

Xiao Qifeng left qiwangfu and went back to the palace directly.

At the moment, Xiao Yilin's brow is wrinkling. According to the truth, the trouble that was sent out before should have come back to his life. How can no one come back now? What's the matter?

At the thought of this possibility, Xiao Yilin's eyebrows were even deeper. He hurriedly called people to find out what was going on.

When Xiao Yilin knew that Qiao Tianchang had returned to the court and his wife had miscarriage and now lived in the qiwangfu, his heart stopped beating for a moment.

People are still alive, but it is lost a child, he immediately some regret, at the beginning should not listen to Xiao Zixuan's words to find people's trouble.

Now that something happened, he didn't need to know that Qiao Tianchang wouldn't just forget it. He is the most trusted person in the emperor. If he really wants to do something, the emperor will definitely have no opinion.

Qiao Zhenghong also knows the same news, but he is not only not worried, but also excited. As long as someone comes back, he will have a chance to turn the table.

As for the people he sent out, including his son, whether they are still alive or not, it has nothing to do with him. In Qiao Zhenghong's heart, Qiao Tianchang can't do anything about him no matter what he does. In any case, he is Qiao Tianchang's father.

Can he still fight his father?

It's Qiao Zhenghong's idea now, which makes him regret later.