Xiao Zixuan is probably the least worried one. After Xiao Yilin sent people out, she was relieved. After all, she still knew the strength of the dark guard of the Lord Xiao's mansion.

So I teased the children in my yard every day.

Qiao Tianchang accompanied Ning Mengyao in the room until she woke up again.

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you?" I don't know why. Ning Mengyao always thinks Qiao Tianchang is strange. She didn't find it when she woke up before. But she really feels like she doesn't know anything else.

Qiao Tianchang astringed all his emotions, smiled and reached out to help Ning Mengyao up and lean on the head of the bed.

"I'm ok. I'm worried about you."

Ningmengyao couldn't help hearing the news, reached out and held his shoulder, smiled and said, "Tianchang, don't worry about me, am I ok?"

"Well, it's OK." Qiao Tianchang forced out a smile, but he was a little relieved: "I'll let Qingshuang come to check your body."

"I'm really fine. You don't have to worry that much." Ningmengyao hurriedly reaches for Qiao Tianchang and doesn't want him to worry like this.

Qiao Tianchang turns to look at Ning Mengyao. He doesn't speak. He just tightens his lips. In spite of this, Ning Mengyao also sees the remorse in his eyes.

"Can't I let Qingshuang have a look?" Ningmengyao had no choice but to nod her head.

Qiao Tianchang finally smiled and went out to call Qingshuang.

Soon Qingshuang came in to feel the pulse for ningmengyao: "don't worry, my uncle, the young lady is not in serious trouble, just take good care of her."

"Well, I see." Qiao Tianchang nodded to make it clear.

After waiting for Qingshuang to go out, Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao: "the general's office of Zhenguo has been cleaned up. Let's go back to our own territory." Although this place is good, Xiao Qitian is also his good brother, but it is not his own place, and it is not very comfortable to live in.

Ningmengyao a Leng, dead frown, Zhenguo general's house? Is he going back to work in the capital? But he said he would not come back.

"Tianchang you..."

"Yao'er, I know what you want to ask. I just want to tell you that no matter what decision I make, it's for you. This identity can make it convenient for me to do things. We will leave together when things are over." How can Qiao Tianchang not know the appearance of Ning Mengyao's desire to talk and stop?

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in confusion. Is there anything he needs to use this identity?

"They don't want to run away if they hurt you like this." Joe Tianchang is all grumpy. He can't help bursting out at this moment.

Ningmengyao was a little frightened, but she felt strange. Although she was hurt by Qiao's family this time, shouldn't she make him angry like this?

But she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Although we live in Qitian's mansion, no one can say anything, but I still like our own territory." Qiao Tianchang whispered.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and nodded.

After a few days' rest in Prince Qi's mansion, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao returned to the general's mansion with Qingshuang and others.

There are only some bodyguards in the general's mansion of the town. There are also some soldiers. There are no others.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Tianchang was very satisfied. He turned to look at Ning Mengyao and said, "when you are well, let someone buy some girls to come back."

Ningmengyao shook her head and refused: "no, they can call some for Qingxue." In the end, it's still easy for her own people to use, and the new one needs to be adjusted. She doesn't like it.

"That's fine. You can make up your mind." Qiao Tianchang nodded.

Take ningmengyao back to the room for a rest, Qiao Tianchang goes to the kitchen to prepare supplements for her. They say that the baby should be taken care of as a month, and it's easy to leave the root of the disease.

When Qiao Tianchang comes in with the stew, Ning Mengyao feels hungry, and then eats some of it, but the whole face is numb: "why doesn't it taste?" There is no taste, only a little salt.

"Qingshuang said that you need a good tonic. You can't eat greasy food. I'll make delicious food for you later."