Ningmengyao heard that, he knew that he had to eat these tasteless things today.

"Have a rest?" Qiao Tianchang reached for the empty bowl and said softly.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "OK."

In the room, when Ning Mengyao breathed evenly, Qiao Tianchang got up and went out quietly.

When he came to his study, Linzi worried that they were waiting there: "boss."

"How's the investigation going?"

"It has been found out that there are many small moves in the three clans in recent years, especially in the Lingwu mansion. They raise soldiers in secret, while the Xiao mansion embezzles a lot of silver. As for the Qiao family, they are not only raising soldiers in private, but also smuggling private salt." Said the forest anxiously.

Qiao Tianchang raised a sneer, raised soldiers, embezzled and smuggled private salt, all of which were serious crimes. It was really Tiandu who was helping him.

"What about the people that king Qi gave you?"

"Don't worry, boss. I can't die."

"Dead? It's not that easy. What I want is that they're not as good as dead. " Qiao Tianchang's voice was cold and his words were cruel, which made Lin Ziyou tremble slightly.

Ryan swallowed: "what do you want to do, boss?"

"Go and see them first." Qiao Tianchang didn't answer, but said casually.

After Qiao Tianchang's death, he came to the dungeon where they were held. When he walked in, he saw several people sitting quietly, as if this was not a dungeon, but a banquet.

Joe looked at Joe Tianchang who came in and sneered and said, "third young master, I advise you to save us and then you will lose."

That arrogant look made Lin Ziyou and Lei An frown. He is just a prisoner now. How can he be so arrogant in front of their boss.

Qiao Tianchang didn't pay much attention to them, just looked at the woods and worried about them: "bring him out." He will see what happens when he moves people today.

"It's the boss." They opened the door of the cell, dragged people out of it and tied them to the scaffold.

Joe Tianchang sat on one side of the chair, his eyes were always on the side of the fire pot inside: "his hands and feet tendon pick."

"Yes." Ryan walked up to jomer with the dagger, which he inserted into his wrists and ankles before he spoke.

Pain, this is Joe's only feeling. How long hasn't he suffered such pain since he went with Joe Zhenghong.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the twisted expression of Jomo, stands up and walks to Ryan's side, reaches for the dagger in his hand, walks to Jomo's front, looks at him coldly: "won't you let me go?" As he spoke, the handle of the dagger slipped into jomer's wound.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" Joe whispered softly.

"Joe Tianchang, you are looking for death." Although Jomo's forehead and face were all sweaty, he couldn't help looking up and stuck jotianchang, gnashing his teeth.

Joe Tianchang laughed crazily: "who is looking for death? You can try it. He is going to die. Do you think he can help you get revenge?" Qiao Tianchang threw the dagger on the ground at will.

Looking at the wound on his wrist, "there should be a lot of ants here."

Inexplicably, they have no reason to be afraid of lei'an. This is what do you mean?

"Strip him of all his clothes." Qiao Tianchang gave a light order.

Ryan and Lin Ziyou look at each other. They go to jomer's side at the same time. They reach for his clothes and only have a pair of commendatory pants.

Picking up the dagger on the ground, Qiao Tianchang took out a porcelain bottle and sprinkled some on it. Then he used the dagger to scratch the wound on Jomo's body. The wound was only bleeding, but not very serious.

Qiao Tianchang takes out another thing. When he pours it on Joe Mo's wound, Ryan and others suddenly smell a sweet smell. They look up and understand what Qiao Tianchang said.