Qiao Tianchang didn't move or struggle. He just let Ning Mengyao bite him hard. It was as if he would be happy if he bit his flesh down.

Until the smell of blood filled her mouth, Ning Mengyao just let go of it.

Feeling Ning Mengyao's release, Qiao Tianchang carefully put people on the bed, turned over and pressed on her, looking at her eyes with tears and pain.

Bowing her head and kissing on her eyelids, Ning Mengyao felt his trembling and fear in such a simple action.

"Yao Yao, I'm not afraid to tell you, but I dare not tell you."

"Why? Are you afraid that I will overthrow Xiao kingdom? "

"No, what if you want to? But that's not what I'm doing. " Qiao Tianchang looked at her stupefied appearance, empty eyes and dull pain in his heart: "you have been given too much soft muscle dispersion by Qiao Tianyu and miscarriage. Your health is very bad. I dare not let you be stimulated. The child is gone. I dare not take risks. I am afraid to lose you again. Do you understand?"

When he saw her in the Lord Qi '.

"But you can't hide it from me. It's also my child. How can you be so selfish?" Ning Mengyao murmured low, as if he had not recovered from the news.

"I wanted to wait for you to get better. Who knows..." Who knows that they let it slip by Qingxue.

Ningmengyao did not speak in silence. After a long time, she opened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her: "you go out."

"Yao Yao I......"

"Go out, I want to be alone." Ningmengyao will head to the other side, not to see Qiao Tianchang.

Although she knew that Joe Tianchang was for her good, and though she knew that Joe Tianchang was also upset, she was still angry that he had concealed it from her.

Qiao Tianchang's expression was slightly stiff, then he got up and left in silence.

After going out, quietly shut the door.

Sitting in the yard, Qiao Tianchang was at a loss. Ning Mengyao's appearance made him feel panic. She blamed him for not telling her about it.

She thought that he would do it for Xiao Qifeng and Xiao Guo, but although he was his good friend, he couldn't compare with his wife and children? How could he stop her because of this? He's just worried.

Ningmengyao lies on the bed, how long does it not feel like this?

When she was about ten years old, she came to this world. Later, in order to survive, she met meiruolin and them. Because she was the youngest, they always loved her and protected her. Later, they met Lingluo. At that time, he still protected her until he left the capital and went to Baishan village.

In that mountain village, her too comfortable life made her forget that in ancient times, like in modern times, you can do whatever you want with strength, and you can only be trampled by others without strength.

Xiao Zixuan's assassination was not once, but Qiao Tianchang was there at that time. He also protected her and managed all the things she had to do. She thought that as long as she hid in his arms, she would be a little woman at ease, but who knew that would happen.

This time, it's not so much those people's fault as her own. It's her sense of superiority that's so obvious. I think there are so many people protecting her. What can she do? At this moment, she regretted her decision.

I regret her conceit.

Ningmengyao put out her hand to cover her eyes, tears kept falling down, regret filled her heart, but now what's the use of regret? No matter how much regret the child will not come back, no matter how much regret, all this has happened.

Ningmengyao is lying in bed dazed, Qiao Tianchang is sitting out dazed, Qingxue is watching all this outside the yard, and they are very worried. Will miss and uncle be ok?

In the middle of the night, Ning Mengyao opened the door and walked out of the room. She saw Qiao Tianchang sitting on the stone bench in the yard with loneliness and sadness on his body. That made Ning Mengyao frown. She didn't like to see him like this.