Hearing the sound of opening the door, Qiao Tianchang subconsciously turned to look at Ning Mengyao at the door. Her face was still pale. She held the door frame and looked at herself. Her eyes were complicated and sad.

Seeing this kind of her, Qiao Tianchang was afraid. He got up and walked to Ning Mengyao. Because he had been sitting for a long time, his body was a little stiff and he walked a little faltering.

"Yao Yao You're still mad at me, aren't you? " Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with some apprehension. He was worried and confused about what she meant.

Ning Mengyao looks up at Qiao Tianchang and reflects her shadow in his eyes. After a long silence, Ning Mengyao says, "what if I want to break Xiao's economic lifeline?"

Qiao Tianchang held Ning Mengyao's face in his hand, with a doting smile on his face: "I'm not a saint, I can't satisfy anyone. If you want to be me, you may be sorry for Qifeng, but I don't want to be sorry for you. He's just a brother, and you will be my wife for the rest of my life."

His words, let Ning Mengyao have moved, she looked at Qiao Tianchang stupidly: "why?" This is his kingdom, his king. Doesn't he care?

"Because in my heart, wife and children are more important than others." Qiao Tianchang, looking at Ning Mengyao's explanation.

Ningmengyao's hand trembled gently. When she asked this question, she thought that if Qiao Tianchang advised her not to do so, she might leave recklessly, but Qiao Tianchang did not. He would rather lose the world than her.

"I I'm sorry. " If lemon wants to say something, it's apologizing.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "never say sorry to me, there is nothing between us."


Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao to a stone bench, holds him in his arms and whispers, "what are you going to do about this?"

"How? If you hurt my children, you need to let them pay for it. " Ningmengyao's face is full of grumpiness. All day long, she thought very weakly. If her sharp point would hurt her and her relatives, she would rather hurt others than herself.

He reached out his hand and patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder: "I will do things in the court. How is your business?"

Ning Mengyao thought about it, nodded and agreed, "OK." It's hard for her to settle down if she doesn't revenge. She doesn't want those people to die. She wants those people to live worse than death. Xiao Zixuan, she won't let go and deal with herself again and again. Is it really good to be a soft persimmon?

"I've asked Ziyou to check the distribution of their business, and I've found evidence of other people's Court Affairs." Now is not the time to start. If you want to move, you have to let them have no room to turn over.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in surprise and says, "let's listen."

"Lingwu Houfu privately raised the army, and Xiao Wangfu embezzled public funds. The Qiao family not only privately raised the army, but also smuggled private salt." Qiao Tianchang whispered in ningmengyao's ear.

As a businessman, Ning Mengyao is very clear about what the end of smuggling private salt will be, and the Qiao family even does such a thing.

"Are they looking for death?" Although hate them, but at the time of hearing this, Ning Mengyao still can't help but talk.

"They have nothing to do with us. What I want to do is to make them suffer from enemies." Chao Tang and the backyard were on fire at the same time. He wanted to see what they were going to do.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning: "OK."

In business matters, she has enough confidence to suppress the three of them without fighting back.

"I'm waiting for you to start. I'm going to start from the court again. Now I need a little evidence." Joe said with a smile.


"I just investigated the smuggling of private salt by Qiao's family, but there is no evidence. Today, Qiao Zhenghong came to me and I disclosed the news to him." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with black lines all over his head. Is this guy intentional? Tell Qiao Zhenghong the news. What will he do? Of course, to cover up these things.