"You're trying to get him into a mess?" A little thought, Ning Mengyao understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning. It seems that this man is really black in the stomach.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "yes, I just want him to mess around, only in this way can I get the result I want."

"You should talk to Xiao Qifeng first." Although she doesn't like this place very much now, she knows that other people are innocent.

It's better to say hello first than to teach. Xiao Qifeng is not satisfied with Qiao Tianchang when he saves.

"Don't worry, it will be OK." Qiao Tianchang patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder.

The two chatted in the yard for a while. Qiao Tianchang held up the man and said, "it's too late. Go back to have a rest."


The next day Qiao Tianchang entered the palace, and Ning Mengyao called Qingshuang.

Seeing the expressionless appearance of Ning Mengyao, Qingshuang said that there were some Alexandria. What do you mean, miss? Why does she feel afraid.

"Qingshuang, please untie the blocked meridians on me." At the time of Qingshuang's imagination, Lin Mengyao opens her mouth.

The action in Qingshuang's hand is stiff, and then she looks at Ning Mengyao's face, as if to confirm whether she is telling the truth.

"Miss, you..."

"Do as I say." She is good at martial arts, and she has learned some self-defense skills with Lingluo, but Yufeng taught her internal power. She has learned it for several years, because she didn't want to let people know that she had internal power, so Qingshuang blocked her internal power.

This time, it taught her a painful lesson. If it wasn't for the internal power being blocked, there would be a way for her to disperse the soft meridians. In the end, she wouldn't be out of touch with the child in the abdomen.

This lesson makes ningmengyao deeply understand that no matter who depends on it, it can't be relied on, because no one will follow you 24 hours a day. Only when he has the ability, can he protect himself and his important people or things.

So she doesn't care, and soon her identity will be known. At that time, there will be many people who inquire about the false and the real, so she must have strong enough ability.

"Miss, I'm worried..."

"I'll control it. Don't worry." Ning Mengyao shook her head and looked at Qingshuang and said earnestly.

There was another reason why she blocked her internal power at the beginning. It was because she could not control her internal power, and it was easy to hurt the people around her, and herself, so that Yufeng and them agreed after she proposed it.

Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao, sees her expression to be serious, finally can only helplessly nod: "well, that young lady prepares."


Half an hour later, Ning Mengyao was sitting cross legged in a white inner garment, and Qingshuang was sitting behind her, holding a silver needle in her hand.

Outside, they carefully guard Qingxuan. They are afraid that Qiao Tianchang will break in when he comes back. Then they will fall short.

The silver needle in Qingshuang's hand stabbed at the big holes on ningmengyao's body. After that, ningmengyao's ugly face became even worse.

I haven't felt this for a long time. The strong internal power suddenly poured in, which made Ning Mengyao a little overwhelmed.

"Hold back, miss." Seeing that Ning Mengyao's face is so pale, Qingshuang is worried.

Ningmengyao nods painfully, which can only be borne by herself. Fortunately, this feeling hasn't lasted for a long time. Soon, ningmengyao feels that her body is full of strength and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised.

"Ha ha." Happy laughter from Ning Mengyao's mouth.

From today on, no one can move what she cares about, who touches who dies.

When Qiao Tianchang came back, he heard Ning Mengyao's laughter coming from the room. It was different from her usual voice. He pushed the door in.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw ningmengyao sitting on the bed in her inner clothes, and she was still wearing silver needles.

"What's the matter with Qingshuang? Is there something wrong with Yao Yao's body? " Qiao Tianchang is concerned but disordered. Although Ning Mengyao's face is pale, it doesn't look particularly ugly.

Qingshuang looks at Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao. At last, she pulls out the silver needle from her body: "I'd better tell you about it."