She'll revenge herself and don't need others to interfere.

As it was getting dark, Xiao Qifeng and his brothers didn't leave, but hid in the dark until midnight. They couldn't help but wonder if Qiao Tianchang guessed wrong, and they wouldn't come at all.

"Just look at it." Joe Tianchang just said that about their doubts.

Xiao Qifeng picked up his eyebrows and finally asked no more questions. Since he said to wait, wait.

This wait is almost an hour, this time is when people are tired and sleepy, at this time, Xiao Qifeng and they heard the subtle sound.

Suddenly some tired spirit would have been better, a look at the corner of the mouth with a cold smile, is really dead.

Ningmengyao sits on the roof and hides her breath. She looks at the front with a faint smile on her mouth, but her eyes are cold.

In a short time, a group of people in black appeared in the yard. One of them looked at the people around him and whispered, "find Ning Mengyao and take him away with the fastest speed."

Qiao Tianchang in the dark heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, it seems that Yao Yao has been exposed in their eyes.

Ningmengyao reaches out and grabs Qiao Tianchang's arm, with a light smile on her face, her lips moving and comforting Qiao Tianchang silently.

The warmth on his arm reduced Qiao Tianchang's heart exposure for a moment. He forgot that his Yaoyao was not her once. Now her martial arts are as good as his and can protect himself from harm.

Xiao Qifeng and they were worried that Qiao Tianchang might be a bad thing. Who knew that Ning Mengyao would appease people, which made them feel relieved.

When they began to quietly come to the yard, Qiao Tianchang waved his hand, and the light came up around them. It was the torch that Ryan and others lit.

Qiao Tianchang and his party jumped into the yard and looked at the man in black with surprise in the opposite eyes, with a slight taunt on his lips.

"I don't know what to tell you when you break into the general's mansion at night." Qiao Tianchang looks at the person in front of him and asks lightly.

The leader looked at him and felt that more and more people were around him. He immediately understood that they had been calculated today.


Qiao Tianchang sneered and said: "withdraw? Do you want to come and leave the general's office of Zhenguo? Run away and get back to lei'an. "

"It's the eldest brother. Let's go and get it alive." Ryan shrinks his neck. He doesn't think the boss just goes back to the barracks.

After Ryan ordered, the people in the yard immediately began to work towards the group of people in black. The first man caught Qiao Tianchang and gave a look to the people around him.

The people on the side looked, nodded, dodged the attack of Lin Ziyou, came to ningmengyao, reached out and clasped her neck.

"Joe Tianchang told your men to stop, or I'll kill her." After seizing Ning Mengyao, the people's mind calmed down, and then shouted to the courtyard.

Qiao Tianchang turns around and looks at Ning Mengyao. Seeing that her expression is light, she is only caught by someone, but she is not hurt. That's why he is relieved.

The first man in black, looking at the people who were caught there, couldn't help laughing out loud. It's great.

"If Joe Tianchang wants your wife to live, he will return all those things."

"Jolin, I didn't expect it to be you." Qiao Tianchang looks at Jolin in front of him and says something unknown.

After being recognized, Jolin did not panic, but pulled off the Black Face Scarf: "the third young master has good eyesight. As long as the third young master returns what the old slave wants, the third young lady will be OK."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Jolin with a smile, and said with a light smile: "Oh? Do you want to see who's over there, Jolin? "

Qiao Lin has a bad premonition in his heart. Subconsciously, he turns around and sees Xiao Qifeng and Xiao Qitian with black faces.

Just now, they were just trying to catch Ning Mengyao. They didn't notice anyone else. Now they suddenly see Xiao Qifeng and Xiao Qitian. They immediately know that it's broken. They all know that.

"Emperor..." Jolin murmured to himself, in a low voice that only he could hear.

"The Qiao family has such great prestige."