Qiao Lin's palms began to sweat. I didn't expect that the emperor and Qi Wang were here. Look at their expressions. I'm afraid they all know what Qiao family did. It's really over.

Looking at Ning Mengyao, Qiao Lin was relieved: "if you don't want her to die, let's go."

Leaving here, he can rush back to tell the master that they may rise again.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao Lin's hand holding Ning Mengyao's neck. His face is gloomy and terrible.

"I don't like Yao Yao holding your neck." Qiao Tianchang said that without a clue.

Ningmengyao shrinks her neck, suddenly raises her hand and grabs Qiao Lin's arm. With an effort on her hand, everyone hears the sound of broken bones.

As soon as Qiao Lin's face changed, sweat was all over his forehead, and he unconsciously released his hold on Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao flashed to a safe position, she turned to look at the people holding her arms and looked at them with astonishment, with irony on her face: "I look very bullied? It can make you bully again and again. "

Naturally, Qiao Lin knows Ning Mengyao. She doesn't know martial arts at all, but her skill If she really knows martial arts, she won't have an accident before. What's the matter.

Rather than go back to Guan Qiaolin and think about something, Ning Mengyao started directly on them.

With a piece of 70% strength, Qiao Lin was beaten on the body. Qiao Lin stepped back a few steps. The corner of his mouth was bleeding. As soon as the face on the side changed, he immediately shot Ning Mengyao.

"Beyond our means." Leng hum, Ning Mengyao doesn't hide. Instead, she attacks.

The palm has no action to zhangning Mengyao. Instead, the other side retreats ten steps to stand firm.

Qiao Tianchang and Lin Ziyou, who had known ningmengyao's ability for a long time, saw this scene without any surprise and accident. On the contrary, Xiao Qifeng's brothers stared at ningmengyao, who was originally soft and weak, and then became a Wulin expert. Were they wrong?

"Do it." Qiao Tianchang naturally won't let ningmengyao face these people alone. He soon joined the war circle.

With Joe Tianchang's help, all the men in black were arrested, including Jolin.

Ningmengyao insists on staying up in the middle of the night. She is already sleepy. After catching all the people, she says hello to Qiao Tianchang and goes back to the room to rest. As for Xiao Qifeng's curiosity, Qiao Tianchang will explain it.

In the hall, Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "what's the matter with her?" How suddenly it has changed so much.

"She learned martial arts from her brother-in-law. Later, because she couldn't control her powerful internal power, she was sealed up. Today, she was just unsealed." Qiao Tianchang shrugs and explains.

Xiao Qifeng and they are still a little confused: "her brother-in-law?"

"Yao Yao's brother-in-law is Yu Feng."

Xiao Qitian was drinking tea. Hearing the name, he took a sip of tea and sprayed it out: "Tianchang, who do you say her brother-in-law is?"

"Keep out the wind."

"Villa leader of Yulin villa?" Xiao Qifeng's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. His voice was a little sharp.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "yes, I remember you saw it when we got married."

Xiao Qitian stares at Qiao Tianchang. He's right. But he doesn't know that it's the leader of Yulin villa at all.

At that time, when he heard the name, he just felt familiar and didn't think about it much, but now he suddenly remembered it and found that it was a wonderful news.

Xiao Qifeng also had some accidents. Unexpectedly, Ning Mengyao had something to do with the villa leader of Yufeng mountain villa.

His eyes narrowed sharply. If he didn't remember correctly, the wife of the villa leader of Yulin villa is the eldest miss of Mei family, the first aristocratic family of lingguo.

It seems that ningmengyao is much stronger than their imagined background.

"How does Tianchang know these people?" Xiao Qifeng still couldn't figure out how a little girl could know those big people, but she still matched them with her sisters.

"This seems to have happened seven or eight years ago. It's only for survival. I don't know exactly." These he did not ask Ning Mengyao carefully.

He thinks it's about ningmengyao. If she wants to talk, she will listen. If she doesn't want to talk, she won't ask. In short, he believes in ningmengyao.