On the contrary, I'm very glad that such a wonderful woman is my wife.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang without words: "why don't you ask?"

"Why should I ask?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng with his eyebrows raised. He doesn't understand why he cares so much.

Xiao Qifeng is not comfortable with his eyes. Well, it seems that he is worried about nothing.

"It's a matter of your husband and wife. It has nothing to do with me, but Tianchang, what are you going to do with those people?" As soon as Xiao Qifeng changed his appearance, he became calm and wise.

Joe Tianchang hit the table with one hand, and then smiled coldly: "just wait and see."

The whole Qiao family, I'm afraid Qiao Zhenghong believes in Jolin the most. Jolin is also his right and left hand. If someone dies, I don't know if Qiao Zhenghong will go mad?

"What are you calculating?" Seeing Qiao Tianchang's thoughtful appearance, Xiao Qifeng asked subconsciously.

The time he spent with Qiao Tianchang was not a year or two. They grew up together. Later, in the military camp, as long as he showed this thoughtful expression, it was to calculate the time when people arrived. Whenever this time, someone would be unlucky.

Qiao Tianchang turned to look at Xiao Qifeng: "do you want to know?"

"Yes." Xiao Qifeng nodded.

Joe touched his chin * and said, "if you say that if I take Joe Lin as an adult, I will send him back. Do you think he will go crazy?"

Xiao Qifeng and Xiao Qitian look at Qiao Tianchang at the same time. They don't see the joke on his face: "are you serious?"

"Seriously, of course. If it's not impossible to put it directly at the door, I'll cut all the people who come in and put them in the front door." It's not that he can't let it go, but it will cause unnecessary trouble, so it's better for him to send it directly to their home.

Xiao Qitian shrinks his neck and sits on the edge of Xiao Qifeng. Suddenly, he feels that this brother is terrible.

"Tianchang, don't you think it's bad?" Xiao Qitian wants to cry without tears. When did this guy become so cruel?

"What's wrong?" He didn't treat them in such a way, but was he so afraid? But it's too small to practice.

"And the others?"

Qiao Tianchang squints at Xiao Qifeng and says, "apart from the head, how about cutting it into a skeleton and taking meat back?"

"Oh Can you stop being so disgusting? " Listen to his gooseflesh and get up. How did this guy say it.

"Qi Tian, I've never been a good man. I can confide in my brothers, but I have enough cruel means to make the enemy live worse than death."

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang without words. Should he be glad that he is Qiao Tianchang's brother now? Why does he feel so weird?

"Does Ryan understand me?" Joe Tianchang suddenly looks at Ryan and says.

Ryan was not disgusted at all. Instead, he was very excited: "don't worry, boss, I will do it well." Then he left happily.

Xiao Qitian looked at lei'an's back and Qiao Tianchang beside him. Finally, he couldn't help saying, "it's really the people you trained. They are all abnormal."

"I'm going to bed. You're free." It's enough to spend so long with them here. He'd better go back to sleep with his daughter-in-law.

Xiao Qitian's eyes widened. They are still here. People will leave. Can we not be so lecherous?

"Let Qi Tian go back." Xiao Qifeng also knew that they had disturbed Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife for too long, which made people unhappy.

Xiao Qitian shrugs and leaves after Xiao Qifeng. He is full of expectation. I don't know what will happen to Qiao's family tomorrow?

Qiao Tianchang didn't pay attention to this matter after Ryan took over, and didn't pay much attention to it.

And the people who are sleeping in the Qiao family don't know about it at all.

When a servant girl got up the next morning to clean up, she saw something in the yard and screamed, "ah..."