Lingluo and Prince Xiao spent a lot of time not to find out why tongbaozhai started against them. Not only that, but also a few people in charge of the family didn't find out, not even a bit of news.

this makes them even want to find them to tune in, and find out what is going on, can not do it, so that Lingluo is very humiliating.

A slap on the desk, as a result of too much force will be the desk out of a big hole, which let Ming Fang some worry.

"What should we do now, young master?" There is no way to find out tongbaozhai, but he can't accept to let him stay so stifled.

"Mingfang, you sent someone to send us. What happened before tongbaozhai attacked our three families?" It's true that there is a marriage relationship between lingwuhou mansion and xiaowangfu. It must be something happened to the two families when they were attacked at the same time, and it has a lot to do with the Qiao family.

Now three at the same time, can only show that three with the same thing has a certain relationship.

It has to be said that Ling Luo is really very smart. It's only a short time to figure out what's going on.

"It's the young master." After Mingfang went out, Lingluo frowned and now in the study. The most recent thing may be that the town general who had disappeared for a long time came back, and Qiao's family once came back.

Speaking of Qiao surname, Lingluo suddenly thought of a person, that person is Qiao Tianchang.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Ling Luo's heart had an idea he did not dare to think.

After thinking about it, he finally called his subordinates to investigate who the general of Zhenguo was.

If the general of Zhenguo was Qiao Tianchang, would he have something to do with tongbaozhai?

This idea has been lingering in Ling Luo's heart for a long time.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Lin Ziyou: "they are investigating this matter?"

"Although Lingluo's industry can last for a while, if it takes a long time, there will be problems. It's strange that he doesn't investigate." Said the wood, wryly.

Before that, he knew that their sister-in-law was the head of tongbaozhai. He felt that their boss made a lot of money.

"In that case, it's time for me to do the same." Joe said in a leisurely voice.

They want to investigate? OK, but I don't know if they have time to investigate it after that.

Lin Ziyou's expression, which was very excited, disappeared at this moment. As expected, it was their eldest brother.

After Mingfang went back, his brow was wrinkled all the time. When he saw Lingluo, his expression was very tangled and he looked very hesitant.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Mingfang like this, Lingluo could not know what happened.

"Before that, Qiao's family went to Baishan village to take Miss Ning away. On the way, they met with assassination, and The assassin is the dark guard of the house of King Xiao. " Mingfang then lowered his head. He could clearly feel Lingluo's anger.

Ling Luo frowned tightly: "you mean, this matter has something to do with Xiao Zixuan?"

"Yes, after learning that Miss Ning was brought into the capital by Qiao's family, concubine Xiao wanted to take the opportunity to kill her. Though Miss Ning was ok, she lost her child because of this." Ming Fang suddenly heard another thing: "there is another thing. When Miss Ning got married, the villa leader and his wife of Yufeng villa, the eldest young lady of Mu family and miss situ family all appeared. They left after they got married."

Body back two steps, Ling Luo's eyes with unbelievable, how can this be?

Ling Luo's brain is now in a mess. For a while, he can't find the clue.

"Is the general of Zhenguo Qiao Tianchang?" Lingluo suddenly thought of this man.

"Yes, it is true that the general of Zhenguo is Qiao Tianchang. The reason why he returned to Beijing to take office was after learning about Miss Ning's small production." Ming Fang tells Ling Luo everything he has investigated.

When Lingluo heard about ningmengyao's small production, she saw a violent flash in her eyes, followed by worry.

Those people mentioned by Mingfang are the leaders of tongbaozhai. They went to their wedding ceremony, which shows that they have a good relationship. What should we do?