Qiao Tianchang's action is to revenge. With tongbaozhai's help, they have no power to fight back in business.

I just don't know whether those people are related to Qiao Tianchang or Ning Mengyao. If they are related to Ning Mengyao, when did she relate to them? Why doesn't he know at all.

With all kinds of problems coming, Mingfang couldn't help but say: "young master Xiao sidefei's side..."

When she heard the name of Xiao Zixuan, Lingluo's eyes flashed obvious disgust. At the beginning, he was the son of the world. He failed Ning Mengyao. Now, because of Xiao Zixuan's jealousy, she pushed their family into the abyss, and one could not extricate himself accidentally.

"I'll go to my father first to prepare him." He feels very bad.

He doesn't think that Qiao Tianchang is just going to suppress them from this aspect. If it is true, Qiao Tianchang won't come back at all. Now that he is back, there is only one possibility. It will soon change in the court.

Ling Luo knew about it, and Xiao Yilin's people naturally investigated it. When they learned about it, Xiao Yilin's eyes were full of horror.

Qiao Tianchang and his wife even have a mysterious relationship with tongbaozhai. Now tongbaozhai can understand why they are dealing with them. However, he is still worried about understanding.

If tongbaozhai's people have no power to fight them directly, he will not feel this kind of worry. Instead, they are like cat and mouse, making him extremely worried, as if he missed something.

Ningmengyao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled after receiving the news from Yufeng.

"What's the matter?" When Qiao Tianchang came back from the outside, he saw Ning Mengyao frowning and didn't know what he was thinking. Then he came to her side, put his hand around her waist and frowned.

Ningmengyao sighed: "brother in law, they let the Lord Xiao's mansion and the Lord Ling's mansion find out the relationship between us and them." Now they may have guessed the reason why tongbaozhai dealt with them.

She was ready for the exposure, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"It's OK. It's just right." Joe Tianchang's lips raised a cold smile. After tomorrow, he will see what they should do.

Ning Mengyao looked up and said, "are you going to start?"

"It's time to do it."

"Then I'll let them speed up." Ning Mengyao thought about it and said it. To this extent, it can't be compared with their heartache.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, without any extra words.

In the early morning of the next day, when Ning Mengyao was still sleeping soundly, Qiao Tianchang was ready to go to court in his official uniform.

Before going out, I told Qingxue and others to prepare ningmengyao's porridge and let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. Don't disturb her.

After the command, I strode out and rode to the palace quickly.

In the early days, Xiao Qifeng saw Qiao Tianchang who had not come to the court since he came back. He suddenly understood that he wanted to start.

"If there is a book to play, there is no book to retreat."

First of all, after others said something about them, Qiao Tianchang suddenly stood out and knelt down on the ground on one knee: "qizou the emperor, Weichen has got some good things here and wants to show them to the emperor."

Xiao Qifeng was speechless, and waved to the man on the edge. The eunuch went to Qiao Tianchang and took the memorials and pamphlets in his hand.

Everyone was a little strange. Today, the general of this town suddenly went to the court. Not only did he go to the court, but he still looked like this.

When everyone was confused, Xiao Qifeng's face on the Dragon chair was gloomy and terrible.

It's one thing to know this, and another to really see the evidence.

"Well, it's really good. I don't know when the Marquis's government will be able to support the army privately. Even a prince can embezzle people's money, and the amount is up to a million." Xiao Qifeng looked at Lingwu Marquis with a gloomy face.

The faces of the two people watched changed, especially Ling Wuhou. He was totally shocked. He did it right, but it was very hidden. How did Qiao Tianchang know.