Xiao Yilin looks at the green snow in front of her face, which is not very beautiful. Her brow is slightly wrinkled, but she doesn't speak at last.

In other people's eyes, he is the superior King Xiao. But in the eyes of the people in the general's mansion, he just hurt their little master's son. So how can they give him a good face?

It has to be said that Xiao Yilin guessed right. Qingxue and his friends really dislike Xiao Yilin and even dislike him.

Bear the fire in his heart, Xiao Yilin follows Qingxue to Qiao Tianchang's yard. In the past, Qiao Tianchang's face is not very good.

"What's the matter with King Xiao?"


"If you're saying let's persuade tongbaozhai to stop, it's not necessary." Qiao Tianchang didn't give Xiao Yilin a chance to talk, he said directly.

Xiao Yilin's face changed, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and he looked at them without knowing why: "here Why? "

"Why? Those secret guards are the people of the house of King Xiao, aren't they? And you sent it out by yourself, Lord Xiao. Now come to ask us why, isn't it a little hypocritical? " Qiao Tianchang didn't give Xiao Yilin any face, he said rudely.

It's really Xiao Yilin's fault. He can't refute it, but he also frowns: "it's really my fault, isn't it? How can I get rid of your anger?"

"Return the child to us." Ning Mengyao, who has not spoken, suddenly opens her mouth.

As long as they give the child back to her, she can stop at once, or she won't talk.

Xiao Yilin is choking and can't say anything. Do you want him to return the child to her? How can I pay it back? That child is long gone, can you still give her one?

"General Joe, you seem to have some It's hard for the strong. "

"Ha ha, what's the problem? I take it for granted. " Qiao Tianchang didn't think there was anything wrong, but he thought it should be.

Xiao Yilin frowns and looks at the couple in front of him. They have a headache.

"Apart from this, I can do whatever you want." Said Xiao Yilin, gnashing his teeth.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Yilin scornfully: "we need money, money and power now. What can you give us?" Everyone can talk big, but it's only the matter that the upper lip touches the lower lip.

Baby? She's a little more than him? I'm not afraid to come out and make a fool of myself.

Xiao Yilin almost spits blood. How could he have never thought that Ning Mengyao and his wife were holding on like this.

"Don't think we are too much, Lord Xiao. You have asked for it." Joe opened his mouth.

They have never provoked these people. Because of Xiao Zixuan's words, he sent someone to assassinate them. Now come to beg them. Is there anything more ridiculous?

"Here..." Xiao Yilin is speechless.

It's really his fault.

"If Lord Xiao is nice, we will also say, give us what we want? We just want our children. Can you afford it? " Qiao Tianchang ignored Xiao Yilin's ugly face and asked directly.

"This General Joe, it's really my fault, but isn't Minger enough? " Because of this, he has died a son, can't they eliminate the hate in their hearts?

Qiao Tianchang laughed out loud because of his words: "enough? Do you mean that the death of Xiao Mingren is the fault of our general? Did he not embezzle millions of silver for disaster relief? "


If it wasn't for this, how could Xiao Mingren's affair be brought out? Although it's because of Qiao Tianchang, it's because of his son's improper behavior that he was beheaded.

"Don't say it as if we are sorry for you. It's Xiao Mingren's own death. No one else can blame him." Qiao Tianchang sneers at Xiao Yilin.

Settle accounts in front of them? Let's deal with our family affairs first.

Fly does not bite seamless egg, who let Xiao Mingren that egg seam is too big?

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Yilin's decadent face, without any sympathy: "if it's OK, you can leave."

Such people are not welcome in their family.

Xiao Yilin glanced at the two men and saw that they didn't care about him, so he was helpless.

But at this point. Let Xiao Yilin completely stunned, he looked at Ning Mengyao's ears, eyes wide.