Ningmengyao's later is not a special thing, but there is a crescent shaped mark the size of a nail plate.

It's normal for everyone to have one or two birthmarks. However, this birthmark on her makes Xiao Yilin feel incredible. How can it be?

"You Who are you? " Xiao Yilin's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were eager.

Xiao Yilin's sudden change made Ning Mengyao frown, "what do you want to do?"

"No, it's OK." Xiao Yilin quickly shook his head.

Now is not the time to get tangled up. We must investigate. Yes, let's go now.

So thinking about it, Xiao also stumbled out of the room, and at the end of the day it seemed that he was running.

Ningmengyao frowns tightly. How can he feel that xiaoyilin seems to be mad.

"What happened to this man? It's weird. " Ningmengyao frowned, and his reaction was too great.

Joe Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "I don't know."

If he is not mistaken, Xiao Yilin just stared at Yao Yao's ear, and there was a beautiful birthmark, like a crescent, not big, just the size of the nail cap.

Looking at the birthmark behind Ning Mengyao's ear, his eyes narrowed slightly. Does it have something to do with this birthmark?

"Tianchang, what are you thinking?" Ningmengyao called Qiao Tianchang several times, but he didn't answer. Instead, he still frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. He was puzzled.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out and touches Ning Mengyao's ear, which is exactly the birthmark behind her ear.

"Don't touch it. It's itchy." Ningmengyao reached out and pulled Qiao Tianchang's finger behind her ear: "how can you be so strange?"

"The reason why Xiao Yilin lost his temper is probably because of the birthmark behind your ear." Qiao Tianchang holds Ning Mengyao's hand in his big hand.

Ningmengyao reached out to touch the birthmark behind her ears, which she knew.

In the past, sister Mei said that the birthmark was pretty, but what did it have to do with Xiao Yilin?

"But what does this have to do with him?" Asked Ning Mengyao in doubt.

Xiao Yilin was a little excited just now, as if It's like seeing something that he can't believe.

"It's not clear. If he really knew the birthmark, he would find it sooner or later." Qiao Tianchang doesn't let ningmengyao continue to tangle up on this. He reaches for her hand and says, "you haven't been out for a long time since you came to the capital. Shall I take you out for a walk today?"

"Good." Ningmengyao nodded her head and agreed.

She used to live here for a few days, but it was all in the villages outside, and she didn't play much in the capital.

"Let's go." Reaching out to help Ning Mengyao up, they went out together.

Beijing is still as busy as ever, which is the first feeling of ningmengyao after going out.

Most of the time, I'm alone in the capital. It's not interesting to hang around. Now I'm with Qiao Tianchang. It seems that I have some fun.

They can stay for half a day in front of a small stall, buy what they like, and go to the next place if they don't.

There is no purpose. Wherever you go, it's no matter where you go.

Xiao Qitian, who is talking to his friend in the restaurant, sees two people downstairs and wants to go down to say hello, but then he stops thinking about it. If he goes down at this time, Tianchang doesn't know how to deal with him.

Downstairs, Ning Mengyao holds a mask of pig Bajie and compares with Qiao Tianchang's face. Seeing that, he can't help laughing.

Qiao Tianchang was not comfortable, but she was not angry when she was so happy. She was allowed to wear all kinds of strange masks on her face.

They were very happy in the market, but Xiao Yilin, who left the general's office in a hurry, could not calm down for a moment.

How could this be? Why is that crescent mark on Ning Mengyao.

Hurriedly back to the study, Xiao Yilin shook his head and pressed down the feeling in his heart. Later, he called the leader of the prince's dark guard: "to investigate all the information of the general's wife."