With shock in his eyes, Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao and asked, "Mengyao, what did you just say?

It can't be said that Xiao Qitian was too shocked, but what Ning Mengyao said suddenly made him unable to accept.

It was a secret to them, and it was asked out of other people's mouths.

It's kind of weird anyway.

"What exactly does the crescent birthmark represent?" Xiao Qitian's reaction is seen by Ning Mengyao and his wife. What's the reason for their reaction.

Xiao Qitian was surprised and looked at Ning Mengyao seriously: "Mengyao, can I know how you know this?"

Ningmengyao lowered her eyes and turned her head to let Xiao Qitian look behind her ears.

When he saw the birthmark behind ningmengyao's ear, Xiao Qitian even forgot his reaction, so he looked at ningmengyao stupidly.

His reaction at this time is much bigger than before, and I can't believe it in his eyes.

"Why do you react so strangely when you see this birthmark?" Xiao Qitian is just staring at the mark behind his ears. Ning Mengyao eyebrows on Thursday, with obvious surprise in his tone.

After his subordinates touched their ears consciously, what did this mean? Their uncle and nephew both responded so much.

"Who else has seen it?" Xiao Qitian, who can't help but ask

"King Xiao, Xiao Yilin." Qiao Tianchang looks at the silent Ning Mengyao and opens her mouth.

"It's him, no wonder."

No wonder Ning Mengyao asked her what it meant. It turned out that it was Xiao Yilin.

"What do you mean by saying so much?" Ning Mengyao frowns at Xiao Qitian.

This kind of unknown feeling makes her dislike even disgust.

Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao and said seriously, "it's possible that we are related by blood. We are either cousins or cousins." Ning Mengyao is so older than him for a month or two.

Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Qitian in dismay and asked with some difficulty, "are you sure you are not wrong?"

"No, my brother and I also have the crescent birthmark. His is on the back, and mine is here." Xiao Qitian stretched out as like as two peas of his own left hand, and revealed the crescent birthmark on the inside of his arm. This birthmark is exactly the same as the birthmark after Ningmeng Yao's ear.

Ning Mengyao looks at the birthmark on Xiao Qitian's wrist, and is shocked. How can it be?

This body is an orphan daughter raised by the old embroider's mother, but now she tells her that she may be a princess even if she is not a princess. The contrast is too great, and she is a little incompetent.

Not only Ning Mengyao, but also Qiao Tianchang's head is confused.

"Let's go to the palace to find brother Huang." He didn't know how to explain it to her either. He had to go to see the emperor to make it clear.

There are many things about the Xiao family that he doesn't know, especially about the birthmark. He remembers that the emperor will send people to see the birthmark after every legitimate child of the Xiao family is born, and the most watched one is the woman.

He didn't know what it meant, but he believed that brother Huang must know what it was about, so he wanted to take ningmengyao back to the palace immediately to find out what it was about.

However, Ning Mengyao frowned because of his words. She didn't want to go. Such places are all cannibal. And she felt that if she went, her life would be broken.

This sense of crisis made her reluctant to go with Xiao Qitian.

"Yao Yao, what's the matter with you?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's frown, with obvious worry in his eyes Ning Mengyao grabs Qiao Tianchang's arm, and her voice slightly shakes.

This kind of flustered Ning Mengyao is what Qiao Tianchang has never seen.

Regardless of Xiao Qitian's presence, Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and dragged people into his arms. He patted her back unconsciously: "it's OK. If you don't want to go, we won't go. When do you want to go, we'll go." At this time, Qiao Tianchang is still what ningmengyao said, and what he should do. But he is suffering and watching Xiao Qitian, who is in a hurry and angry.