Ningmengyao's resistance to the palace made xiaoqitian suddenly calm down: "Mengyao's palace doesn't eat people, don't you want to know what's going on? You'll know when you go. " He can't let it go like this.

"We don't want to know." The identity itself is a problem. Besides, Xiao Yilin and Xiao Qitian react too much, which makes her feel very bad, so she is not curious.

If she knew it would be such a scene, she would not be curious. If it really confirmed that sentence, curiosity killed the cat.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao without words. They were very curious just now, but now they don't want to know.

"What are you worried about, Mengyao?"

"Nothing. I don't want to know." Ningmengyao shakes her head. Naturally, she can't tell others.

Xiao Qitian is helpless. She doesn't want to. Naturally, she can't drag her away. However, she thinks that after going back, she must tell brother Huang to let him know about it.

After having dinner with two people, Xiao Qitian is not that kind of uninteresting person either. He just leaves.

What he thought was to go back and tell Xiao Qifeng about it. When he went out, he was stopped by the innkeeper of the restaurant and said that he had something to do.

Being so noisy, this matter was also left behind by Xiao Qitian. When I think of it, everything is beyond control.

After Xiao Qitian left, Ning Mengyao didn't have the heart to continue to eat. Relying on Qiao Tianchang's arms, her face was obviously fragile.

Such Ning Mengyao lets Qiao Tianchang be very distressed: "is it OK?"

"It's OK, but I didn't expect that I was an orphan girl, who would have such an identity." Ning Mengyao said derisively.

He reached out and hugged people in his arms. Qiao Tianchang sighed, "let it be, don't think so much."

"I know, but I'm still upset." She had never felt that way before, which made her feel very bad.

"I'll see you later." He doesn't want ningmengyao to focus too much on others. She just needs to think about him.

In Prince Xiao's mansion, Xiao Yilin is really anxious to wait. He is afraid that he will miss the first chance to know.

He kept walking back and forth in the study, and then he sat on the chair. He would not get up for a long time and walk back and forth again. The restless appearance made the people who were watching him in the dark puzzled. What happened to their master? All of a sudden.

"Prince, princess, she is arguing to see you." While Xiao Yilin was waiting, the housekeeper suddenly came in from outside, frowning.

Xiao Yilin frowned tightly and frowned. "What does she want to do?"

"I don't know. The princess is looking for you."

"Ben Wang doesn't have time to talk to her." He has something important to do now. He doesn't have time to deal with Li.

"Here I'm afraid I can't The Butler has some problems. If he could, he would not come to see Xiao Yilin.

Xiao Yilin frowned: "what's the matter?"

"The princess said that if you don't go, she will Tell me about the palace. " As for what is the matter, everyone knows it.

Xiao Yilin's face turned gloomy for a moment, and his expression was just like a thunderstorm. It was ugly.

"The king wants to see what she can do to find him." Xiao Yilin walked towards Li's yard with a cold face.

When Xiao Yilin arrived, Li Shi looked at Xiao Yilin as ironically as if he were ridiculed. Li Shi was not surprised by his arrival.

"It's really hard to invite the Lord." Li lin'er said with a sneer at Xiao Yilin.

Xiao also looked at Li lin'er coldly and said lightly, "say, what do you want to do?"

"Get these people out of my yard." Li lin'er pointed to the guards around her and said in a cold voice.

Xiao also looked at Li lin'er lightly: "reason."

"If you are not afraid to be known the secret of your residence, you can disagree." Li lin'er looks at Xiao Yilin. She knows that Xiao Yilin will agree at last.

However, Xiao Yilin looks at her with ironic eyes, which seems to be looking at idiots, which makes Li lin'er have a bad premonition: "you are also a person in the house of King Xiao."